Thread started as was sent by pm to Amy, I presume the two companies mentioned are Phoenix and Carter.
Originally Posted by aprilsunshine
Hi amy, Can you tell me if the above companys are partners ???I have been paying by direct debit a set ammount to fredricksons every month for a debt to his client phoenix recoveries until march of this year when i got a demand from bryan carter acting on behalf of his client arrow global guernsey ltd for the same debt (littlewoods )I asked b carter for a copy of agreement and he has sent me copy going back to 2001 with my signature. He has also taken out a ccj on me i have no idea what to do now or who owns this debt any help would be appriciated as to what i do now .
Originally Posted by aprilsunshine
Hi amy, Can you tell me if the above companys are partners ???I have been paying by direct debit a set ammount to fredricksons every month for a debt to his client phoenix recoveries until march of this year when i got a demand from bryan carter acting on behalf of his client arrow global guernsey ltd for the same debt (littlewoods )I asked b carter for a copy of agreement and he has sent me copy going back to 2001 with my signature. He has also taken out a ccj on me i have no idea what to do now or who owns this debt any help would be appriciated as to what i do now .