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Hoorah! Another Lowells thread!

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  • Hoorah! Another Lowells thread!

    Hi Guys & Girls.

    I'm very new on here so bear with me I make any cock ups.

    I'm currently in the middle of a battle with Lowells & Capital One.

    Back in 2008 I went to work in the Netherlands as an internship, the job offer was offered in early Jan 2008 and I had two days to decide what to do, it was a fantastic job offer for a brilliant design agency in Amsterdam, so I decided to take it. The down side of this was I only had three days to get my house in order, so I gave my flat mate at the time £2000 to pay my card off and cover the rent and other bills, suffice to say she bunged all the money up her nose!

    Fast forward two years when finally I was making decent money but still living in a hellish scenario thanks to my social housing neighbours and I decided to go and rent privately, so I started paying attention to my credit files, I had never paid attention to these before as I had never needed credit. I noticed a default on my account from Lowells, I had never heard of Lowells before and wondered what it was all about, so I contacted them and they said this debt was from Capital One, but eh? This debt shouldn't be there, the debt was cleared or so I thought. I asked Lowells to investigate this further as there was transactions on my account in the UK when I had proved to them that I was working in Amsterdam, and low and behold they've come back with their typical line... We're right, you're wrong!

    So not the end of it Lowells, I'm so miffed with Debt Collection agencies throwing around Defaults like its confetti. I contacted them back on the 26th November 2010 asking to raise a formal complaint as fraud had been committed on my card, they ignored this email, so i contacted them again back in January this year, they are still investigating this, but as I explained, I will pay the damn debt off, but I need the default cleared from my account. Emails have been going back and forth for three months.

    This is where it gets good...

    I spoke to someone at the Financial Ombudsman Services who was really helpful and basically said that anyone in the financial industry has a period of three months to investigate and close a complaint, this hasn't been adhered too, so a formal complaint has now been sent to the Financial Services Ombudsman, who I have to say have been brilliant.

    Damn you Lowells! Damn you I say!
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  • #2
    Re: Hoorah! Another Lowells thread!

    Wow. I just decided to respond to all this bull**** from Lowell that I owe Vodafone some £100 that I have no recollection of. This explains WHY I have been getting rejected on ALL credit card applications! (I am able to pay off my credit card bills, but just to get a better deal that are available) I even got rejected on opening a savings account from a new bank...even though I had money!!!

    How did you find out about the default? I even registered on Creditexpert but nothing came up. I even spoke to a senior manager at HSBC (my bank, who is a bit of an idiot and no help at all) and he said 'There's no way of knowing why you have a bad credit record'

    I said to him 'Are you kidding me, I am in full control of my finances, I get monthly salary with a descent job and I always pay my bills on time. And you are saying there's nothing I can do to find out what the hell is going on?'

    He replied 'I'm afraid no.' What an idiot.

    Anyway, good for you. I am typing up my formal letter to Lowells now. Good thing is that they'll never be able to call me, because I now use my sister's name on my mobile phone account. (Although I am paying the bill, she left the country so I took care of it and got rid of mine)
    They harassed me on the phone when I had my old phone as well, and when I asked 'How did you get my number? Whoever gave out my contact details I will confront them and make a complaint.' and the idiot over the phone goes 'Sorry I can't give you any information who our client is.' WTF.


    • #3
      Re: Hoorah! Another Lowells thread!

      Jolly good! Coluk, one usually waits rather longer than one would like when dealing with the Office of Fair Trading so please do not feel aggrieved should their response be somewhat lethargical.

      Frightfully good sport though, well done indeed for this, do keep up the good work.


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