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DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

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  • #46
    Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

    Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
    A copy of the original executed agreement plus;
    the inception Terms and Conditions that applied to the account at the point of opening same and;
    the Terms as varied.
    As per reg. 7 of the cancellation notices & copy docs. regs 1983.
    (Also, any other document referred to in the credit agreement)

    "The Creditor" must hold sufficient information about the credit agreement, in order to reconstruct/reconstitute same.

    If, "The Creditor" attempts to reconstitute/reconstruct a credit agreement without the vital inception T&C's, as well as the Terms as varied, that would be misleading to the consumer. Especially, if the credit agreement in question did not comply with sections 60/61 of "The Act".

    On a side note, many creditors failed to observe the obligations under section 85...
    Erm ? How does that fit with Waksman's interpretation ? :

    Waksman - Carey

    108. Accordingly, I conclude that Reg. 7 requires a copy of the executed agreement in its original form as well as a statement of the terms as they are at the time of the request.
    ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
    I've been looking long and hard at Carey and reconstructions for s61.

    1. This judgment deals with two matters concerning requests for copies of credit card agreements pursuant to section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (“the Act”) and the consequences of non-compliance with that provision.

    2. The purpose of this judgment is to give general guidance, in the context of the cases before me, in the hope that this will narrow or eliminate the issues arising in the hundreds of other similar claims issued in County Courts around the country, many of which have been stayed pending the outcome here.

    Judge Waksman then talks at length in relation to copy documents supplied under s78 about ‘Proof Purpose’ as distinct from ‘Current Information Purpose’.

    Using ‘reconstituted’ agreements for s61

    44. It is common ground that the purpose of s78 is (at least) to provide the debtor with information as to the terms of the agreement with the creditor, as well as a present statement of his account and future obligations insofar as they are known. Beyond that common ground, however, the parties have adopted very different positions. The Claimants (debtors) say that the information is both as to the present and the original position under the agreement, and the reason for having the information about the original agreement is so that the debtor may be satisfied that he did indeed enter the agreement by signing a document which was a properly executed agreement (“the Proof Purpose”). On the other hand, the Defendants (creditors) say that it is a question only of providing current information, that is, information about the current terms of the agreement along with current financial details (“the Current Information Purpose”).

    He then confirms he doesn’t consider the s78 document as Proof Purpose for s61.

    53(11). It is said that if the debtor cannot have a copy in the sense required (for the most part) by Mr Uff and Mrs Thompson then he is at a disadvantage should he wish to challenge whether he made a properly executed agreement at all. I do not agree. First, this point only has real force if the Proof Purpose underlays s78 and I do not think that it does. Second, it assumes that there is no obligation on the debtor to make out at least some sort of positive case as to improper (or non-) execution of the original agreement. If he does and for example asserts positively that although he has been using a credit card agreement for years he never actually signed an agreement, or one that complied with s61, the creditor may well have to try and find the original in order to deal with that allegation. (I deal further with the absence of such positive allegations in relation to s61 when I consider below the Applications.) But that tells one nothing about the scope of s78;

    (13) I have already adverted to the overarching purpose of the Act being consumer protection within the ambit of a new and consistent framework which has benefits for lenders, too. But that does not impel a conclusion that the purpose of s78 must be the Proof Purpose.

    (14) Mrs Thompson submitted that the approach she advocated with Mr Uff was not merely dependent on the Proof Purpose but also followed from the language of s78. But I do not accept that the language here impels that result and all the factors already mentioned point away from it.

    62. Mr Uff in particular contended that this was not s78 compliant because the name and the address did not come from the executed agreement. He said that the copy had to be of that document which on its face tied itself to the debtor. Only in that way could the debtor be assured that agreement was indeed to be attributed to him because the name and address on it was reproduced directly on to the copy. But this argument depends on the correctness of the Proof Purpose being the driver behind s78 and the Copies Regulations, which I have rejected. On the other hand, it is not as if the provision by the creditor of the name and address from its records is not of some value to the debtor. It at least indicates that the creditor has a record of the fact of this person at an identified address making an agreement at some point in the past.

    105. I see no difficulty in saying that the framers of the Act saw it as important in the interests of debtors that they should able to obtain a copy of the agreement they made for whatever purpose they want, it being assumed that they ask for a copy because they have mislaid their own, and then, if in fact the agreement has been varied, they are given the up to date terms as well. This is what Options A and B are designed to do, more or less elegantly. The fact that the purpose of s78 falls short of the supply of proof or the best evidence possible of the executed agreement does not undermine this.

    199. ………(omitted for clarity)……. I have already held that the purpose of the s78 copy is not to provide proof. ……..(omitted for clarity)…..

    In my opinion this confirms that Judge Waksman alluded that documents supplied in response to s78 are not to be considered ‘Proof Purpose’ of an executed agreement required to satisfy s61, they are for ‘Information’ only, i.e. a creditor cannot rely on a reconstituted agreement for proof of compliance with s61.

    171. This arises solely in connection with s61(1)(a) and the requirement thereunder that the document signed by the debtor “contains” all the Prescribed Terms . The question is as follows:

    “Does the document signed by the debtor contain the Prescribed Terms for the purposes of section 61 and/or section 127(3) if:

    (a) they are on a sheet which is referred to on the piece of paper that was signed by the debtor; or

    (b) where that sheet is attached to the piece of paper signed by the debtor; or

    (c) where that sheet is separate from but was supplied with the piece of paper signed by the debtor?”

    173. The parties in Carey have helpfully agreed the following principles. The fourth one was added by Mr Uff, with their agreement. No other party takes issue with them. The OFT has formulated the matter in a slightly different way but accepts these principles are close to its position.

    (a) It is not sufficient for the piece of paper signed by the debtor merely to cross-refer to the Prescribed Terms without a copy of those terms being supplied to the debtor at the point of signature;

    (b) A document need not be a single piece of paper;

    (c) Whether several pieces of paper constitute one document is a question of substance not form. In particular a physical connection between several pieces of paper is not necessary in order for them to constitute one document;

    (d) Additionally, a physical connection (or one or more physical connections) between several pieces of paper does not necessarily constitute them as one document;

    (e) Accordingly, where the debtor’s signature and the Prescribed Terms appear on separate pieces of paper, the questions of whether those pieces of paper together constitute one document is a question of substance and not form.

    174. As a matter of law, those principles appear to me to be correct, in the context of s61.
    Last edited by basa48; 22nd September 2010, 20:28:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
    They were out to get me!! But now it's too late!!


    • #47
      Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

      Basa great information

      So in the case refered to

      The claimant had "lost" or "misplaced" the original and could not supply a copy of it
      They could supply a reconstituted one though.

      It was disputed that the T&C's were those at inception. The T&C's presented to the court had no source codes, unique reference numbers or dates on. ( the abscence of these is questionable as every document has them )

      The defendant admits that he signed an aplication form

      The defendant neither admitted or denied he signed an agreement

      The defendant claimed that there was not a properly executed agreement to satisfy S60/61

      It was for the claimant to prove there was as they were the litigant

      the judge in summing up said

      " reconstituted agreements can satisfy s60/61 .... as why have a system for reconstituting agreements . The finance compnies could just send a photocopy of the agreements to any one asking for one under s77/78"

      what is your opinion on this ?????


      • #48
        Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

        Originally posted by basa48 View Post
        Erm ? How does that fit with Waksman's interpretation ?
        Please see my post #34.

        Also the following:
        "The lender needs to provide you with an accurate copy of your contract. The copy they send does not have to be the original document; or a photocopy of the one you signed, and it can be recreated by the lender, but it should
        1. show you the original terms and conditions and any later variations.
        2. contain all the information and statements of protection and remedies required by The Consumer Credit Act 1974
        3. be easy to read.
        The lender should also give you a copy of any document referred to in your agreement and statement of account."

        The above is extracted form the OFT guidance on sections 77, 78 & 79 of the CCA:

        Although, the above guidance is only in relation to information requests under the Act. It clearly, refers to Reg 7 of the cancellation and copy docs Regs. 1983.

        In short, a creditor cannot recreate a credit agreement if they do not hold sufficient information about the agreement i.e the inception Terms and Conditions etc.


        • #49
          Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

          Originally posted by Angry Cat View Post
          Please see my post #34.

          Also the following:
          "The lender needs to provide you with an accurate copy of your contract. The copy they send does not have to be the original document; or a photocopy of the one you signed, and it can be recreated by the lender, but it should
          1. show you the original terms and conditions and any later variations.
          2. contain all the information and statements of protection and remedies required by The Consumer Credit Act 1974
          3. be easy to read.
          The lender should also give you a copy of any document referred to in your agreement and statement of account."

          The above is extracted form the OFT guidance on sections 77, 78 & 79 of the CCA:

          Although, the above guidance is only in relation to information requests under the Act. It clearly, refers to Reg 7 of the cancellation and copy docs Regs. 1983.

          In short, a creditor cannot recreate a credit agreement if they do not hold sufficient information about the agreement i.e the inception Terms and Conditions etc.
          Sorry AC, I think we might be at cross purposes here.

          I agree a creditor can supply a recon for the purposes of s77/78, but that is as far as it goes IMO.

          If the agreement has been varied (and how many haven't if they date before 2007) they need to provide a copy of the original document with original and current T&Cs for s77/78, all as Reg 7. But only the T&Cs can be recons.

          Plus I still think recons cannot be used for proof of s61 compliance as per Waksman.
          ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
          Originally posted by Differentjudge View Post
          the judge in summing up said

          " reconstituted agreements can satisfy s60/61 .... as why have a system for reconstituting agreements . The finance compnies could just send a photocopy of the agreements to any one asking for one under s77/78"

          what is your opinion on this ?????
          The judge was a moron and this should be appealed.

          Waksman quite clearly states several times that recons are not "proof purpose" for the debtor signing a document which was a properly executed agreement.

          The recon 'system' was to provide the debtor with information about what the creditor claims he signed up to - but it is not proof he did sign.

          The reason finance companies don't just send photocopies is because they either don't have a document to photocopy (a possibility Waksman alluded to) or the document they do have doesn't comply.
          Last edited by basa48; 23rd September 2010, 20:24:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
          They were out to get me!! But now it's too late!!


          • #50
            Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

            [quote] by basa48:
            ...or the document they do have doesn't comply.[quote]

            Ah Ha!
            Attempting to mislead the general consumer, they wouldn't do that would they?

            [Quote] by basa48:
            The judge was a moron and this should be appealed.[Quote]

            IMO the judge, was clearly influenced by the documents that were provided by MBNA/Optima (unfortunately, most judges will believe the alleged proof as provided by banks, as opposed to LIP's) but judges are not clairvoyant and;
            it would appear that, the judge lacked full knowledge of the CCA/Regs plus subordinate Regs.

            Agree, the SJ should be appealed, after all it wouldn't be very hard to disprove that the agreement (issue: 1997) fell foul of section 61!
            Last edited by Angry Cat; 23rd September 2010, 22:07:PM.


            • #51
              Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

              ok.... just so you have the ful info regarding the judgement against slevin

              slevin admitted that he had signed an application form.

              During the hearing the witness statement and exhibits attached which were produced magically out of the hat included other peoples application/agreements from sept 1997 which proved the recon agreement was of the date.

              also attached was a set of T&C's claimed to be from inception

              There were no unique reference numbers of dates on any of these that linked them.

              Comparing the box with the APR's between the agremeents and the T&C's they were slightly different.This was pointed out to the judge and disputed that they were part of the same agremeent.

              so the judge has taken the admission by slevin that he signed the application and the recon is that of an agreement from inception and accepted that the T&C;s are from inception dispite the differences in the APR's

              Slevin argued that an executed agreement with both signatures was required for S60/61. As the application form only had a box for the applicant to sign there was no such box for the debtor to sign so it could not have been executed by signature of the creditor.

              Slevin said that only the original executed agreement with both signatures would do (or copy of) to satisfy s60/61

              the rest as you know is history

              the judge said in summing up a recon was sufficient for s60/61

              do you need any more information on this ...

              If Slevin does appeal he will only have one shot and should not waste it??


              • #52
                Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

                There doesnt have to be a box for the creditor to sign afaik, they can sign anywhere, often they do next to an APPROVED stamp or similar, and also not being signed by the creditor isnt fatal. Indeed theres no prescribed form for a creditors signature box in Schedule 5.

                The court shall not make an enforcement order under section 65(1) if section
                61(1)(a) (signing of agreements) was not complied with unless a document (whether
                or not in the prescribed form and complying with regulations under section 60(1))
                itself containing all the prescribed terms of the agreement was signed by the debtor or
                hirer (whether or not in the prescribed manner).
                And in any case it may only make the agreement 'improperly executed'

                "An improperly-executed regulated agreement is enforceable against the debtor or hirer on an order of the court only."

                So the argument is the APR on the recon is 0.1% different to the actual credit agreement (but as the actual credit agreement can't be produced in court its a bit hard to prove)

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                • #53
                  Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

                  thats the point they were trying to prove....because they can not produce the actual agreement (or copy of ) they have produced the recon. They then provided 3 other agreements from september 1997 to prove the recon is correct........ so they are saying that the recon is definitely right. Then the T&C's can not be as they are different

                  Its a case of substance not form



                  • #54
                    Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

                    Wish someone could get their damn scanner working lol.

                    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                    • #55
                      Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

                      [quote=Amethyst;172498]There doesnt have to be a box for the creditor to sign afaik, they can sign anywhere, often they do next to an APPROVED stamp or similar, and also not being signed by the creditor isnt fatal. Indeed theres no prescribed form for a creditors signature box in Schedule 5.[Quote]

                      MBNA application forms, did not have a box for the creditor to sign in.
                      The authorised MBNA signature (squiggle) appeared almost anywhere on the forms;
                      upside down;
                      at the bottom and;
                      at the top.

                      They also stated:

                      The was a box for the debtors signature, which stated:
                      This is a credit agreement regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974

                      MBNA, did not send out credit agreements which had to be signed;
                      the application forms doubled up as both application forms and Credit Agreements.


                      • #56
                        Re: DCA wins judgment using Carey but not having an agreement

                        Yip that was kind of the point lol.

                        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

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