Ours is a very long and complicated story that no single person either can, or wants to answer and staff please feel free to move this post to the correct location on the site if I've indeed posted it in the wrong place. We are a middle aged couple and we've owned our own property for 22 years in North London. 3 years ago we decided to remortgage for consolidation reasons and better management of debts. 3 months later I was made redundant and because I hadnt been at the company for too long I didnt recieve any kind of redundancy payment. 1 month after that my wife was diagnosed with a spinal tumour and as a consequence of that she needed to take 10 months away from work. She has never fully recovered from this condition and is now registered disabled. Because of all the time she took off work we struggled to pay the new mortgage and started to live off of credit cards. The sum total we now owe in loans/credit cards is about £27,000 as well as having £7,500 in mortgage arrears. Our lender is GE Money and if I knew then what I know now about them I would never had remortgaged. They are totally unsympathetic to our situation and there is no one prepared to discuss our situation. I have called them on numerous occasions to try to sort this out but all they tell me is that they want their £7,500 and that I should have made a ''contingency'' to allow for redundancy and illness (mortgage insurance). They have taken me court and put a suspended repossion order on the property where the court agreed I should pay a certain amount over a 6 month period which I did. Their demands for the adjusted amount (After the 6 month period with arrears) is totally unrealistic and we simply can't afford their demands. The whole situation is almost intolerable and this isnt helped by the fact that we are in for about £25,000 negative equity and anyway the house no longer suits my wifes needs - being disabled stairs are very difficult for her. We need to move somehow but are trapped here with a lot of debt. My wife is still managing to get work at the moment in some capacity but shortly she will be medically retired we think. We have appiled for disabilty and mobility benefits but these things take ages to put into place because the wheels grind around so slowly. Our local authority are not too interested in helping us at the moment as they say we are making ourselves intentionally homeless, which of course is the not the case. Its not that we don't want to pay the mortgage its that we can't. Don't know where to turn with this one now people. Any good advice and ideas would be most welcomed.
EDIT: Sorry I forgot to mention that I am back in full time work now.
Thank you.
EDIT: Sorry I forgot to mention that I am back in full time work now.
Thank you.