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The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

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  • The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

    Just following on for this thread concerning how to deal with DCA's ( Dealing with DCA's - Legal Beagles ) I though I would open a thread to offer some further advice.

    To date I have "removed" 40+ DCA's from my life, further details here: Scrub that link as it's in VIP/ I'll post it further down in post #2

    I'm here to share my experiences and offer any assistance I can in dealing with these "Lovely People".

    So fire away, I'm mostly ears..

    Post #2 (got automerged)

    As you know I keep score on the DCA's I have binned.
    Now I don't count multiple accounts with the same shower, so each of these are unique, separate "companies". Well different letter heads anyway
    Bear in mind that this is for a total of 8 accounts between me and the missus and 4 for my brother.


    In no particular order..
    • 1 Lowell
    • 2 RED Debt
    • 3 Hamptons Legal
    • 4 Aktiv Kapital
    • 5 Thames Credit
    • 6 Wescott
    • 7 BCW
    • 8 Capquest
    • 9 Mercers
    • 10 RMA
    • 11 NCO
    • 12 Credit Security
    • 13 Scottish Bureaux
    • 14 CL Financial
    • 15 Lewis Debt Recovery
    • 16 Droyds
    • 17 Debt Managers
    • 18 Machenzie Hall
    • 19 EOS
    • 20 Reliable
    • 21 DLRS
    • 22 Scotcall
    • 23 Moorcroft
    • 24 Fire
    • 25 Cabot
    • 26 Ruthbridge
    • 27 Direct Legal
    • 28 JB Debt Recovery
    • 29 Hillesden Security
    • 30 Credit Resource Solutions
    • 31 Phillips
    • 32 Meritforce
    • 33 Interim Justica
    • 34 European Collections and investigations
    • 35 Alliance One
    • 36 Midas Legal

    • 1 HL Legal
    • 2 HC Cohen
    • 3 Golds
    • 4 Nelson Guest
    • 5 Letham-Locke
    • 6 SCaM

    These are all over the last THREE years, since discovering the joys of charges reclaiming and CCA.

    Pretty sad really.
    Last edited by Curlyben; 4th November 2009, 20:19:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

  • #2
    Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

    Hi, CB

    Ever heard of Zinc Group Ltd?

    Address:- 93 Hope St, Glasgow, G2 - tel:0330 100 0850.

    Seem to be a DCA acting for another DCA.

    If you're compiling a ***** list, put this lot at the bottom (excuse pun!)

    This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

    You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
    Cohen, Herb

    There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
    gets his brain a-going.
    Phelps, C. C.

    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
    The last words of John Sedgwick


    • #3
      Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

      Hi CB,

      Just had a cold call from some cowboy outfit calling themselves Credit Counselling Bureau.

      Some guy, said his name was Neil (is that a common name in the Indian sub-continent?).

      Not sure whether DCA or Debt Management, as the line went dead when I asked how they got my name.

      If the latter, have we got a ****list for them?


      This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

      You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
      Cohen, Herb

      There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
      gets his brain a-going.
      Phelps, C. C.

      "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
      The last words of John Sedgwick


      • #4
        Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

        Can't believe Bryan isn't on your personal binned list, but then you've binned him enough times for other people to qualify him onto yours. And, by associaition with Bryan, the lovely Fred as well.
        Is no longer here


        • #5
          Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

          Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
          Hi, CB

          Ever heard of Zinc Group Ltd?

          Address:- 93 Hope St, Glasgow, G2 - tel:0330 100 0850.

          Seem to be a DCA acting for another DCA.

          If you're compiling a ***** list, put this lot at the bottom (excuse pun!)
          I have no idea, but I do have some faint bells.
          Seems that address is pretty busy though: http://www.glasgowonline.co.uk/street/Hope_Street/

          As ever any DCA acting for another DCA can be ignored as they have ZERO legal powers to do anything.
          Well they could make some tea if they want

          Originally posted by charitynjw View Post
          Hi CB,

          Just had a cold call from some cowboy outfit calling themselves Credit Counselling Bureau.

          Some guy, said his name was Neil (is that a common name in the Indian sub-continent?).

          Not sure whether DCA or Debt Management, as the line went dead when I asked how they got my name.

          If the latter, have we got a ****list for them?

          Sounds like a dodgey cold calling DMC.
          Bin em

          Originally posted by WendyB View Post
          Can't believe Bryan isn't on your personal binned list, but then you've binned him enough times for other people to qualify him onto yours. And, by associaition with Bryan, the lovely Fred as well.
          Shame isn't it.
          There's always time, no wait a minute I don't have anything left for them
          Last edited by Curlyben; 6th November 2009, 06:50:AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


          • #6
            Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

            Hi CB,

            Global Vantage?..............0808 101 3403

            Called for OH & wouldn't speak to me!

            CAVEAT LECTOR

            This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

            You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
            Cohen, Herb

            There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
            gets his brain a-going.
            Phelps, C. C.

            "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
            The last words of John Sedgwick


            • #7
              Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

              DCA used by MBNA..


              • #8
                Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                Hi Curlyben,
                You left out Apex Credit Management from that "Rogues Gallery"- I'm sure they would'nt
                mind the company!! As ever a very, very excellent resource and BADLY needed. Thanks



                • #9
                  Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                  Bear in mind that represents my personal list, not ALL the DCA's I've had the pleasure in dealing with.


                  • #10
                    Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                    Hi, Cb,

                    More calls from Global Vantage, though the nice lady didn't say GV.
                    She said she was calling from 'Wurgin', or MBNA (she didn't seem quite sure which!)
                    I had a nice chat about the weather in India (quite cold, apparently!)
                    I asked for an email address or any address to which we could write to her, as we don't like to discuss on 'phone.
                    She informed me that they do not have an address to write to, & it must be dealt with via 'phone.
                    I'm keeping a record of all conversations (names, telephone no. & extention, etc.)
                    I haven't yet contacted MBNA, as I thought I would seek the counsel of The Mangler Supreme before doing so.
                    Are you there, Cb
                    Last edited by charitynjw; 2nd April 2010, 04:39:AM.
                    CAVEAT LECTOR

                    This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                    You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                    Cohen, Herb

                    There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                    gets his brain a-going.
                    Phelps, C. C.

                    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                    The last words of John Sedgwick


                    • #11
                      Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                      Almost there.
                      You are completely within your rights to ask for everything in writing for the avoidance of doubt'. A good papertrail is a must when dealing with DCA's.

                      Next time they call simply state that you do NOT deal with personal financial matters over the phone, no matter who they say they are. Everything MUST be in writing and that you are recording their calls for possible further action..


                      • #12
                        Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                        I've had dealings with Global Vantage in the past. The reason they won't give you an address is because they are solely based in India. If you Google them, it is not impossible to trace their India address. Their parent company however, are in the USA (Chicago if I recall correctly). The parent company took a bit of tracking down.

                        Now, I am a little fuzzy on this apsect of the law, but I am surprised that companies such as Global Vantage are allowed to harass people for debts as they have no UK presence or registered office. Also, as they are based in India, I would assume they are also immune to the UK Harassment Law regarding constant telephone calls. They certainly seem happy to ignore the threat of reporting them in regard to that law.

                        Ignorant bunch of t***s they were. Chasing my OH for a debt on her MBNA card until one day they phoned and I answered the phone. Gave the guy a really hard time by accentuating my Welsh accent to such an extent that he couldn't understand half of what I was saying (nice to return the compliment to these Indians calling from overseas). Anyway, after several attempts at getting to my OH and constantly getting me on the phone, they eventually gave up and passed it back to MBNA who eventually gave it to another DCA - this time based in the UK. This leads me to further think that Global Vantage are all wind and no trousers in regard to being able to do anything other than making 20 threatening phone calls a day.


                        • #13
                          Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                          Hi, Cb/Jester,

                          Had a thought:-

                          Personal data, Personal rights - Data Protection Act (DPA) - ICO

                          8th principle

                          What think you?

                          CAVEAT LECTOR

                          This is only my opinion - "Opinions are made to be changed --or how is truth to be got at?" (Byron)

                          You and I do not see things as they are. We see things as we are.
                          Cohen, Herb

                          There is danger when a man throws his tongue into high gear before he
                          gets his brain a-going.
                          Phelps, C. C.

                          "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance!"
                          The last words of John Sedgwick


                          • #14
                            Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN

                            Yep a possibility, but as already said, just have some fun with them.

                            If they get too much simply block their number


                            • #15
                              Re: The DCA Mangler's Office is OPEN


                              I'm well versed in the Data Protection Act as it forms a core of what I do for a living. Strictly speaking, personal information cannot be transferred outside of the EU. I have had to advise several American companies of this fact when they have a global presence and want to audit all of the data into a single source for analysis.

                              In most respects, those companies simply get around that by making it a condition of their employment contracts that anyone working for them must consent to such data being transferred in this way. In strict terms, it contradicts the DPA, but the Government will be reluctant to enforce it on such large organisations who potentially employ thousands of UK workers.

                              You have to remember that MBNA are a part of Bank Of America. I would suspect that if you look at the T&C's of your account with MBNA then it enables them to take such data outside of the EU. That's why they are able to pass on all of the details to a company such as Global Vantage.

                              In all seriousness, the situation with DCA's is so out of control that there really needs to be a campaign to try to force the government into clearer snd stricter controls on the actions of such people. They certainly need to stamp on this practice of passing the debt to DCA's based outside of the UK who will then harass with impunity any individual passed their way and with total disregard to UK harassment laws because those laws do not apply to them as they are based in another country.

                              If we are honest, with all the political parties trying to curry favour with the electorate ahead of the General Election next year, now would be the ideal time to start petitioning MP's on this very subject as they are more likely to listen now than at any time. Plus, more and more people are being threatened by these vultures due to the current economic climate so there is a huge potential vote-winner there for them.

                              As Curly says, for now just have some fun with them. MBNA can be a nasty bunch to deal with as they are very aggressive in their behaviour when somebody falls into arrears. But Global Vantage I suspect will soon give up as I believe they have no teeth.

                              Besides, there's not a DCA yet that has gotten the better of Curly !!


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