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Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

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  • #76
    Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

    Ok this is my Draft Defence, can you have a look and let me know if it's suitable or needs some alteration. Court shuts at 4pm so here go's :

    CL Finance - Claimant


    - Defendant


    1. I XXXXXXXXX of XXXXXXXXXX am the Defendant in this action and make the following statement as my defence to the claim made by CL Finance Limited.

    2. Except where otherwise mentioned in this defence, I neither admit nor deny any allegation made in the Claimants Particulars of Claim and put the Claimant to strict proof thereof.

    3. The Claimant has failed to set out how the figures which they claim are calculated nor do they set out the nature and scope of any charges contained within the figure claimed.

    4. I will now look at the important issues relating to this case which must be brought to the courts attention.

    Pre-action protocols

    5. The Claimant CL Finance Limited has failed to follow the pre-action protocols in sofar as they did not send any letter before action as required by paragraph 4.3 of Practice Direction-Protocols, nor did they attempt to enter into any negotiations to try and resolve the issues. Instead they launched into immediate litigation and it would appear that they did this before the assignment was carried out correctly.

    The Assignment of the debt

    6. I believe the Assignment of the Debt does not comply with Law of Property Act S136, as the original Assignment should have come from Santander Cards on their Headed Paper and been sent by recorded Mail to myself, Mrs Julie Haythorn, the same should have been
    136 Legal assignments of things in action
    (1)Any absolute assignment by writing under the hand of the assignor (not purporting to be by way of charge only) of any debt or other legal thing in action, of which express notice in writing has been given to the debtor, trustee or other person from whom the assignor would have been entitled to claim such debt or thing in action, is effectual in law (subject to equities having priority over the right of the assignee) to pass and transfer from the date of such notice—
    (a)the legal right to such debt or thing in action;
    (b)all legal and other remedies for the same; and
    (c)the power to give a good discharge for the same without the concurrence of the assignor:
    Provided that, if the debtor, trustee or other person liable in respect of such debt or thing in action has notice—
    (a)that the assignment is disputed by the assignor or any person claiming under him; or
    (b)of any other opposing or conflicting claims to such debt or thing in action;he may, if he thinks fit, either call upon the persons making claim thereto to interplead concerning the same, or pay the debt or other thing in action into court under the provisions of the Trustee Act, 1925.

    Also notification should of been sent to the debtor informing them of the assignment as per s196
    196 Regulations respecting notices

    (1)Any notice required or authorised to be served or given by this Act shall be in writing.
    (2)Any notice required or authorised by this Act to be served on a lessee or mortgagor shall be sufficient, although only addressed to the lessee or mortgagor by that designation, without his name, or generally to the persons interested, without any name, and notwithstanding that any person to be affected by the notice is absent, under disability, unborn, or unascertained.
    (3)Any notice required or authorised by this Act to be served shall be sufficiently served if it is left at the last-known place of abode or business in the United Kingdom of the lessee, lessor, mortgagee, mortgagor, or other person to be served, or, in case of a notice required or authorised to be served on a lessee or mortgagor, is affixed or left for him on the land or any house or building comprised in the lease or mortgage, or, in case of a mining lease, is left for the lessee at the office or counting-house of the mine.
    (4)Any notice required or authorised by this Act to be served shall also be sufficiently served, if it is sent by post in a registered letter addressed to the lessee, lessor, mortgagee, mortgagor, or other person to be served, by name, at the aforesaid place of abode or business, office, or counting-house, and if that letter is not returned [by the postal operator (within the meaning of the Postal Services Act 2000) concerned] undelivered; and that service shall be deemed to be made at the time at which the registered letter would in the ordinary course be delivered.
    (5)The provisions of this section shall extend to notices required to be served by any instrument affecting property executed or coming into operation after the commencement of this Act unless a contrary intention appears.
    (6)This section does not apply to notices served in proceedings in the court.

    7. I require the Claimant produce proof of posting per s196 LoP Act 1925. As I have never received the Deed of Assignment before now.

    8. I refer to W F Harrison & Co Ltd v Burke and another - [1956] 2 All ER 169 where it was held that the Notice of Assignment was bad because the date of the assignment was wrongly stated therein and, therefore, the legal right to the debt under the hire-purchase agreement had not been assigned effectually at law within s 136(1) a of the Law of Property Act, 1925 and put the Claimant to strict proof that the assignment has been carried out correctly,as also noted that the Notice of Assignment should have been from the Original Creditor (Santander Cards) to the Defenedant Mrs Julie Haythorn.

    9. I request that the court strike out the Claimants’ case as the Claimant has blatantly abused Pre Action Protocol and has no right to bring this action against me in their name as the debt has not been properly or legally Assigned before this action was brought about.


    • #77
      Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

      Originally posted by Horsemad View Post
      Hello, am trying to cobble a Defence together but just re-read what the judge ordered previously

      1. Claimant to send to Defendant by 20th October 2009 copies of :
      a) Credit Agreement
      b) Assignment Notice
      c) Default Notice

      2. In Default Claim struck out

      3. Defence struck out & Defendant do file and serve a fully pleaded defence within 21 days of reciving above documents

      4. In Default Claimant may enter judgement

      5. This order has been made by the Court on its own initiative. The Parties attention is drawn to the right pursuant to CPR 3.3(4&5) to apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of this order.

      Does this mean that I have 21 days from 20th October to file a fully pleaded defence??? Or should I still try and file my defence today??? Bit stuck without CB's guidance....

      Yes you have 21 days from when you received the documents ordered by the court.

      As you didnt receive them till a couple days ago then yes you have plenty of time.

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • #78
        Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

        This part I would expand on a little with dates etc or if due to the LoP then I would say 'as set out in paragraphs 6 and 7 of this defence.'

        Pre-action protocols

        5. The Claimant CL Finance Limited has failed to follow the pre-action protocols in sofar as they did not send any letter before action as required by paragraph 4.3 of Practice Direction-Protocols, nor did they attempt to enter into any negotiations to try and resolve the issues. Instead they launched into immediate litigation and it would appear that they did this before the assignment was carried out correctly.

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #79
          Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

          Thank you Amethyst, what worried me was when I re-read what the General form of order and realised I may not need to enter my defence today, there is a part about "4. In default Claimant may enter Judgement", does that mean that if I don't enter a fully pleaded Defence today, then Cohen's can apply for a Judgement regardless?


          • #80
            Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

            1. Claimant to send to Defendant by 20th October 2009 copies of :
            a) Credit Agreement
            b) Assignment Notice
            c) Default Notice

            2. In Default Claim struck out (thats if they didnt send you the documents before 20th)

            3. Defence struck out & Defendant do file and serve a fully pleaded defence within 21 days of reciving above documents

            4. In Default Claimant may enter judgement (thats in default of point 3)

            5. This order has been made by the Court on its own initiative. The Parties attention is drawn to the right pursuant to CPR 3.3(4&5) to apply to have it set aside, varied or stayed within 7 days of this order.

            So no I don't think you have anything to worry about time wise of course the sooner we can get this entered the better but at least we know we have a bit more time to work on getting it spot on.

            Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

            Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


            • #81
              Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

              Thanks for your help, am clear on the main points of my Defence now, just having difficulty wording it in such a way that is credible in a Court of Law.


              • #82
                Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                Have added the bit about the signatures being the same on the Deed of Assignment. Rest of Defence remains same as previously posted. Is there anything else I should add???
                The Assignment of the debt
                6. I believe the Assignment of the Debt does not comply with Law of Property Act S136, as the original Assignment should have come from Santander Cards on their Headed Paper and been sent by recorded Mail to myself, and I have never received such a document, I should then have received a notice of assignment from CL Finance to acknowledge ownership of the debt. The same should have been received for CL Finance assigning debt to Howard Cohen.

                I would also like to draw to the Courts attention the fact that the signature is the same for both Santander Cards and CL Finance on the Deed of Assignment, which seems odd considering that the Assignor Santander Cards is based in London and the Assignee CL Finance is based in Yorkshire


                • #83
                  Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!



                  • #84
                    Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                    Looks ok to me but will bump it up anyway
                    Is no longer here


                    • #85
                      Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                      Just thinking,
                      Add referernce to Van Lynn Developments Vs Pelias
                      or disclosure of the deed of assignment

                      [37] Mr. Thornhill, counsel for Rodney and Portfolio, relies on Van Lynn Developments Ltd v Pelias Construction Co Ltd [1968] 3 ALL ER 824 where the Court of Appeal with Lord Denning MR as President had to consider whether there was a valid notice of the assignment of a debt. In that case the defendants had a bank overdraft which was paid off by the plaintiffs in consideration for an assignment of the debt to themselves. The assignment was dated 26 June and on 27 June the plaintiffs called on the defendants for payment. In the letter of 27 June it was stated (incorrectly) that notice of the assignment had been previously given to the defendants. On the question whether the letter of 27 June constituted a valid notice of assignment, it was held that on the true construction of s 136 of the Law of Property Act, 1925 (identical in its terms to s 214) notice of assignment of a chose in action was good even though it contained no date and the incorrect statement could be ignored as an inaccurate surplusage; and (per Widgery LJ) it was immaterial that the letter was not written with the intention that it should perform the function of giving notice under s 136 (1).

                      The above is from another case where it was quoted, but should help to understand the context.


                      • #86
                        Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                        Hey HM, thanks to a spammer I have remembered where you thread is.

                        So any update on this ?


                        • #87
                          Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                          Absolute nightmare, just checked my post and I have had my defence struck out and Claimant is free to issue a judgement...... It's dated 17th Nov but only received it today. Is there anything I can do???? Is the judge F****ing stupid???


                          • #88
                            Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                            Call the court FIRST thing and see what can be done !!!!


                            • #89
                              Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                              It says on the order that I can have it set aside, varied or stayed but spoke to someone at court who said that I have a right to appeal by getting it amended but have to fill in a form and pay £75 and then it go's before a judge again to decide.

                              Any ideas what I can do??? Is it worth putting in the same defence if I've already had it struck out???


                              • #90
                                Re: Horsemad v Debenhams Storecard court papers - help!

                                Appeal it.
                                Your defence was spot on and I can't see any reason it was struck out.
                                Might simply of been your point #9 as judges don't like to strike on first defence.
                                Give them a draft order and go from there.
                                Basically put up or shut up.

                                Did they give any reasons for this ??

                                Have a read of Orfoster's defence here: CL Finance/Howard Cohens, HELP! - Legal Beagles
                                Rip anything further you need.


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