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Thincat CCA issues

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  • #31
    Re: Thincat CCA issues

    This letter, amended to suit, should be next I believe

    Legal Beagles - View Single Post - ~~~ Consumer Credit Agreements - A Guide ~~~~ inc. Letters

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    • #32
      Re: Thincat CCA issues

      Whew, glad you got the paperwork. Now let me get this straight:-
      1). What Lloyds have sent me is utter nonsense.
      2). The next letter to send them is the one I viewed via the link you provided.
      Finally could you explain,briefly, to me if possible why what Lloyds have said is what is
      colloqially known as "dog poo".
      The reason I'm asking is because I suspected they were trying it on but I wasn't HOW
      they were doing it. I have to say though you have made this poor painter a VERY happy
      bunny indeed!! Obviously there's more to come but this helps.
      One more query BTW, I sent a Terms and Conditions request to Lloyds re another account. This was sent to their main registered address in the city,however it disappeared
      into a black hole and wasn't signed for as per recorded dellivery. This may have occured
      because no specific individual was mentioned in the address. Could you suggest another
      address in the Lloyds bank chain to send this request to(my account holding branch
      perhaps). Thank you so much for your help so far, I am VERY grateful.



      • #33
        Re: Thincat CCA issues

        Well thats not an executed agreement, its the terms and conditions with a cancellation form at the end.

        Its generic and not really anything to do with you. The APR is represented as N/A (being generic) and it doesnt state any credit limit barr the clause that they can change it when they like and notify you (para 6 and 7 of conditions of use). Its not signed, by you or them, has no personal info on at all, and its not dated.

        I'm not much good with addresses - you really want the data controllers / archive address for a simple T&C request which should be easy enough to find on the ICO registered data controllers site.

        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


        • #34
          Re: Thincat CCA issues

          AAhh, I see, that makes sense. I'll check out the Data Controller's site. Thanks.



          • #35
            Re: Thincat CCA issues

            Hi Amethyst,
            I've checked out the Data Controller's site as suggested. I must confess I was somewhat
            confused by your suggestion re T&C. However it seems as, I understand it that T&C
            represent information held by Lloyds Bank and if I put in a request marked for the attention of Data Controller at the address listed I (in theory) should get a response.
            The issue here is that the address given appears to be the same address I used before
            without success(there was no specific individual named or mentioned in the address).
            What I might well do is resend the letter, marked for the attention of the Data Controller.
            What do you think? I'd be grateful for some guidance on this.




            • #36
              Re: Thincat CCA issues

              Could you suggest another
              address in the Lloyds bank chain to send this request to(my account holding branch
              perhaps). Thank you so much for your help so far, I am VERY grateful.
              The suggestion of looking at the Data Controller page was for the address to send to for you. It is sufficient to use "Data Controller" as the person you wish to receive the letter.
              Any opinions I give are my own. Any advice I give is without liability. If you are unsure, please seek qualified legal advice.



              • #37
                Re: Thincat CCA issues

                ahhhh with you now, yes you want the Data Controller as you want the t/&c's specific to your account rather than standard generic terms.

                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                • #38
                  Re: Thincat CCA issues

                  Ok, got that. I've also recommended another person to use this site. It really is a valuable



                  • #39
                    Re: Thincat CCA issues

                    CCA arrived this morning from DCA CL Finance. This is for the non Lloyds account.
                    Can I scan this for your perusal I'd be grateful for your assessment. This is in response
                    to a request I put in on 15th June this year! I await your reply.


                    PS. Amethyst et al, thanks for all your help so far.


                    • #40
                      Re: Thincat CCA issues

                      Yes please, can you scan it up but remember to remove the personal details first.


                      • #41
                        Re: Thincat CCA issues

                        Yes will do. It's photocopied so the detail isn't 100% but I'll get to it asap. thanks

                        PS. Weird stuff going on with your URL!!


                        • #42
                          Re: Thincat CCA issues

                          We just moved servers - which SHOULD sort out all the recent database issues we have had. Apologies, but should all be fixeded now

                          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                          • #43
                            Re: Thincat CCA issues

                            Here is the CCA from CL Finance re my account with Kwik Fit. I do hope it's
                            legible. I've save it as a Word 2003 file(I learnt the hard way last time). Hopefully it'll show up as attached. Other developments have happened
                            which I need some guidance on but I won't go into that till I've checked
                            some post I've got to collect. If the attachment doesn't show up let me know.
                            I've blown up the CCA so you can read the small print (I hope). Also I've
                            saved the CCA as a JPEG,however it's 762kb which appears to be too large
                            for you so I'm hoping to get a result with the method I've tried.

                            Thanks again,



                            • #44
                              Re: Thincat CCA issues

                              Hi All,
                              As a result of getting some mail this morning I can now give everyone some idea of how far things have got.
                              1). Current Account(closed by Lloyds) I've now got the Data requested by the SAR.
                              Also I sent in the Dispute Letter in July. Despite this BLS have sent a letter received
                              2 days ago threatening court action. I haven't paid the £1/month since I sent Lloyds
                              the Dispute Letter and I'm wondering if I should pay them the money (£2-£3 that I owe)
                              or ignore them and put in the claim for repayment of unfair charges.

                              2). CL Finance-Kwik Fit I'm waiting for your assessment.

                              3) Lloyds Credit card1 have responded to the Non Compliant CCA Letter I sent them
                              with a "We're investigating your complaint letter", received late last week I think.

                              4). Lloyds Credit Card2 haven't responded to my "DCA ignores CCA request" letter.

                              5). Lloyds have received the "Terms & Conditions" letter I sent them re the Current

                              6).I've confirmed the receipt of ALL the recent letters I've sent by Recorded Delivery
                              so they can't say the never got the letters.

                              That's the state of play as of 26/9/2009.

                              I do have one or two questions:-

                              1). The Data received as a result of the SAR only goes back to 1999- I've had the account
                              since 1977. Is it worth hassling for the rest of my Data?

                              2). If the CCA that I've sent you is compliant, what do I do next?

                              As ever, any help would be appreciated .




                              • #45
                                Re: Thincat CCA issues

                                Originally posted by thincat View Post
                                Here is the CCA from CL Finance re my account with Kwik Fit. I do hope it's
                                legible. I've save it as a Word 2003 file(I learnt the hard way last time). Hopefully it'll show up as attached. Other developments have happened
                                which I need some guidance on but I won't go into that till I've checked
                                some post I've got to collect. If the attachment doesn't show up let me know.
                                I've blown up the CCA so you can read the small print (I hope). Also I've
                                saved the CCA as a JPEG,however it's 762kb which appears to be too large
                                for you so I'm hoping to get a result with the method I've tried.

                                Thanks again,


                                ZERO prescribed terms.

                                yes it has an APR, but as has already been mentioned elsewhere this is NOT the interest rate but a marketing figure used for comparison and completely unacceptable under CCA


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