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Being chased for old debt

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  • Being chased for old debt

    In recent times I have been getting texts (unclear how they got my number) from a debt collection agency. I have not replied to any and have not called them back.

    Initially I had no idea what it was for, until I received a letter. It relates to a debt going all the way back to 2012.

    I received a Letter Before Summons from the owner of this alleged debt, in around 2016. I found a template letter from somewhere online and sent it off to them, asking for the CCA. They could not provide me with this and sent a letter to confirm (I no longer have this letter).

    I have not written to them or made any payments whatsoever as I am in dispute.

    I did however write to my original creditor in 2020 to claim PPI back. They no longer owned any debts and made me a payment. This account I am being chased for now, may have been part of that PPI claim. The debt had long been sold though.I believe the original creditor sold my debts in 2013/4

    So, Initially they could not pronide a CCA, upon request and there was no acknowledgement from me in a total of 8 years. I obviously never explicitly admitted the debt, I did just request a refund for 2 accounts. I was awarded a payment as I no longer had a contract with the original creditor, I didn't owe them anything.

    I did have a debt I admit with the original creditor, which I actually received a CCJ for, that has now expired and I paid the full debt off in installments.

    Given the alleged debt was both statute barred and the new owner failed to provide a CCA upon request, that's the end of it, right? Can the original creditor randomly just send my PPI claim off to the new owner of this alledged debt and reset the clock?
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