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Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individual

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  • Re: Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individu

    just looking at this thread, i'm just looking at another angle. During the time of the harassment did you check your credit files to check if any default had been showing as still owing, did you take out or apply for further credit and were given higher interest rate or refused.

    I think that your taking a risk, but hey it's your choice. I kind of hope you will be able to sort this out yourself - negotiating with them, and ain't got figures of magical numbers going on. this is unlikely to get you tens of thousands, more likely £2,500 or £3,000


    • Re: Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individu

      Those questions have already been answered in the thread, not sure where, probably on about page 5 I think it was.
      Is no longer here


      • Re: Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individu

        Hello and good evening to you all, I hope you all have had a good day,

        Well nothing new to add at the moment, but I will be sending one last letter to the Group Chief Executive Officer of J Sainsbury's Plc, Politely requesting him to re-consider the three full and formal responses to my serious complaints.

        Still waiting for the outstanding documents in relation to my SAR, these should be with me this week, so says the DSAR Mangement Team of Sainsbury's.

        I will still bring the legal action against Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS), if they are not willing to re-consider their offer of less than 1p per hour for all of the 500 consecutive days of harassment and the unlawful, ilegitimate and reckless disclosing of my personal information.

        Signing off in a minuet, and I will up-date on this when I have some news to add.

        Many Thanks to you all


        • Re: Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individu

          Originally posted by Godzilla View Post

          Read the whole thread from the beginning and you will see why I am posting here!

          The barrister that will be assisting me is very, very capable, intellectual, he is a specialist, a professional.

          I hope that answers your questions.

          Many Thanks

          hi godzilla ,

          thanks for your support in my thread ,

          however , l have just read all through your thread and all the advice youv,e been offered by a lot of very knowledgable people on this forum ,

          l am puzzled by the fact that by your own admission that you have a "very professional , capable , intellectual, and specialist barrister " dealing with your case , you still seem to have the need for re-assurance from others less qualified ??? [ apologies to any professional people on this forum , whose qualifications are not disclosed !! ]

          are you paying for this barrister ?? cos im damn sure l could not take the chance of having to pay lf l lose in court , at the end of the day principles do not put food on the table and there is not shame but honour in putting your family first in this situation .
          if its no win no fee then they obviously feel you have a strong case or they would not have taken you on
          so why are you on this forum ? you have been given so much excellent advice on here , but still seem to be looking for more !!!
          l for one am grateful for the support ive been given and have taken it on board if l could afford a brief with the experience your one has l,d not be on here doubting him or her ? ......
          you have so much to lose on a principle .. you have a poorly wife, kiddies what about them ??
          do not lose sight of the things that make your life what it was before this ....

          its not giving in... its putting the most treasured things in your life first

          YOUR LOVELY FAMILY !!! they are there every day , the ones who makes you get up in the mornings, makes you smile , worry , cry, laugh, feel good and warm , and LOVED .....believe me you cannot put a price on that ..

          good luck with whatever route you take

          and best wishes to your wife
          im going kicking and screaming all the way


          • Re: Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individu

            Hello and good morning to you all,

            I have now recieved the final outstanding documents from Sainsbury's in relation to my SAR, however, these documents are not the ones' I was expecting and Sainsbury's are claiming that they do not have a record of any correspondence of any type of letter that has been sent to me.

            Also Sainsbury's are claiming, that they do not have a record of the instructions that were given to all of the DCA'S.

            There is still history missing from my SAR.

            This is not over for me or my family, there is a case for Sainsbury's to answer to, there is an enormous amount of evidence that I have not spoken about in my thread, for legal reasons.

            I thank all of you for your advice, and I will up-date as soon as there are any changes.

            Many, Many thanks

            PS Signing off for a few days, I will be back on-line next week.


            • Re: Sainsbury's Bank Plc(HBOS) And Four Debt Collection Companies Against An Individu

              any update on this Godzilla


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