You could send a Subject Access Request to Barclays for full details of all data held about you which should include the crucial .s87 notice. Do you keep old paperwork? The notice should have given you a time period to remedy the defaulted payment. After that expires, the account becomes time barred.
All being well, this account became time barred by latest March 2020 approximately. If this proves correct, then you have what's known as an 'absolute' defence to any claim.
However, if the SAR confirms these dates, it would be simpler to respond to IJ in writing stating your belief that the account is time barred under Limitation Act and they will cease enforcement activity. It does look like they were probably aware time had run out and are just keen to recover something/anything!
Bet you're glad you popped by now
All being well, this account became time barred by latest March 2020 approximately. If this proves correct, then you have what's known as an 'absolute' defence to any claim.
However, if the SAR confirms these dates, it would be simpler to respond to IJ in writing stating your belief that the account is time barred under Limitation Act and they will cease enforcement activity. It does look like they were probably aware time had run out and are just keen to recover something/anything!
Bet you're glad you popped by now