I have moved this post from the Natwest Section, as to not confuse the issues.
Well well after 18months of nothing, I have heard from the good old Nasty regarding and alleged overdraft debt They have now sent me the template arrears notice, enclosing a information sheet from the OFT. When you read the information sheet from the oft, bit scary if you did not know any better. The arrears notice show further penalty charges and interest applied at their unarranged borrowing rate. Put the balance up to 3 times more.
States Do not ignore this arrears notice blah blah
Doing nothing could make it worse. the lender could take legal action
I am about to send them a 4page letter explaining to them the errors of their ways. This account is the issue of legal proceeding issued by me
I have also given them a proposal to resolve this dispute, which I am sure they will truely love. and sent them a copy of the oft debt collection guidence for their reference.
The gloves are off on this one now stupid stupid people
Well well after 18months of nothing, I have heard from the good old Nasty regarding and alleged overdraft debt They have now sent me the template arrears notice, enclosing a information sheet from the OFT. When you read the information sheet from the oft, bit scary if you did not know any better. The arrears notice show further penalty charges and interest applied at their unarranged borrowing rate. Put the balance up to 3 times more.
States Do not ignore this arrears notice blah blah
Doing nothing could make it worse. the lender could take legal action
I am about to send them a 4page letter explaining to them the errors of their ways. This account is the issue of legal proceeding issued by me
I have also given them a proposal to resolve this dispute, which I am sure they will truely love. and sent them a copy of the oft debt collection guidence for their reference.
The gloves are off on this one now stupid stupid people