Hi, looking for some advice regarding a credit card debt with capital one which has ended up at Lowells.
I had some difficulty around 2010 with a few loans and credit cards. I wrote to them all asking for settlements which were agreed except capital one. I think I received a few letters at the time which were ignored and then heard very little until maybe November last year when I started to receiver letters from Lowell who appear to have bought the debt from capital one. The latest letter is a pre-legal assessment threatening court action unless I agree a payment.
I haven't contacted them or capital one since late 2009/early 2010. The reason I feel this may be significant is as I am in Scotland and was hoping it would be statue barred this year, well more specifically in February as would I be right in saying its 5 years since admission or payment? The default is dated 15 May 2010 on my credit report so I am hoping that would mean it defaulted 3 months after my last payment.
Also Lowell claim to have checked my credit report etc but keep sending letters to my parents address even though on my credit report its my current address listed on the account.
I would like to know whether to write to them or ignore it and hope they don't go to court. I could probably repay some of it as they offered 40% off and I have been saving for a deposit for a house once all these defaults roll off in the next year or so but also wondered if doing that mean it would be listed for another 6 years adversely affecting my credit score.
I am feeling sick with worry so any advice would be g gratefully received , many thanks
I had some difficulty around 2010 with a few loans and credit cards. I wrote to them all asking for settlements which were agreed except capital one. I think I received a few letters at the time which were ignored and then heard very little until maybe November last year when I started to receiver letters from Lowell who appear to have bought the debt from capital one. The latest letter is a pre-legal assessment threatening court action unless I agree a payment.
I haven't contacted them or capital one since late 2009/early 2010. The reason I feel this may be significant is as I am in Scotland and was hoping it would be statue barred this year, well more specifically in February as would I be right in saying its 5 years since admission or payment? The default is dated 15 May 2010 on my credit report so I am hoping that would mean it defaulted 3 months after my last payment.
Also Lowell claim to have checked my credit report etc but keep sending letters to my parents address even though on my credit report its my current address listed on the account.
I would like to know whether to write to them or ignore it and hope they don't go to court. I could probably repay some of it as they offered 40% off and I have been saving for a deposit for a house once all these defaults roll off in the next year or so but also wondered if doing that mean it would be listed for another 6 years adversely affecting my credit score.
I am feeling sick with worry so any advice would be g gratefully received , many thanks