Hi All,
Hope someone can advise
I have just finished scrutinsing a massive mound of info received from my SAR request to MBNA. I have some issues with a few things but would be grateful for any advice, at all, relating to the default info.
A default notice was issued by MBNA on 7th October 2010.
The Remedy date was 26th of October 2010
However, SAR Info shows that MBNA closed the account on 18th October 2010 and sold the account.
Don’t they have to wait (before taking any action) until the Remedy date has expired?
BTW no Notice of Assignment was issued to me by either the OC or the company they sold the account to?
The account has since been passed to a couple of DCA’s, most recently to Fredricksons.
Could this Default ‘issue’ cause a problem for MBNA? Any advice would be much appreciated.
Hope someone can advise
I have just finished scrutinsing a massive mound of info received from my SAR request to MBNA. I have some issues with a few things but would be grateful for any advice, at all, relating to the default info.
A default notice was issued by MBNA on 7th October 2010.
The Remedy date was 26th of October 2010
However, SAR Info shows that MBNA closed the account on 18th October 2010 and sold the account.
Don’t they have to wait (before taking any action) until the Remedy date has expired?
BTW no Notice of Assignment was issued to me by either the OC or the company they sold the account to?
The account has since been passed to a couple of DCA’s, most recently to Fredricksons.
Could this Default ‘issue’ cause a problem for MBNA? Any advice would be much appreciated.