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Virgin MBNA Late Payment Charges

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  • Virgin MBNA Late Payment Charges

    Hi All

    Please forgive me if this has been covered in previous threads but I have not seen an exact match covering my query.

    I have been with Virgin MBNA since 2006 but I used to pay whole amount monthly. That changed around two years ago when I started paying them whatever I could afford each month. This is always well above their minimum payment requirement and I never missed a payment to date.

    I get paid last friday of the month and this often means I could not meet their 3 day rule. They started hitting me with £12 late payment charges. They also destroyed my Credit Rating by adding Late Payment to my record each time. This means I could not transfer to another card. They got me trapped. I complained to them and they said "tough"; just less politely than that.

    What course of action does the forum suggest I take? I am so furious with them (I pay one of the highest APR rates of any card) I am having dark thoughts like maxing it out and telling them where to go. Unwise I know. What shall I do?

    Thank you for your advice in advance
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  • #2
    Re: Virgin MBNA Late Payment Charges

    you poor sod. all I can say is it happens all the time. Wanco Santander have trashed my GF's credit score that way, plus they add £45 charge a pop for a missed DD (a payment they still receive each month albeit late). Oh, and they charged £25 to change the payment date of the DD. Disgusting.

    After 12 months have passed the latye payments start to drop off the credit report (I believe), although they are referred to as having occured in your credit report for upto 3 years after the date of late payment. Still, it auto repairs eventually.

    change the date of your payments. set up a standing order via internet banking so yuo control what you pay them and when.


    • #3
      Re: Virgin MBNA Late Payment Charges

      You could try and reclaim your charges, all the info is here http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ad.php?t=13263

      Also have a read of this thread it may give you a little encouragement.


      • #4
        Re: Virgin MBNA Late Payment Charges

        Originally posted by Amadeos View Post
        Hi All

        I have been with Virgin MBNA since 2006 but I used to pay whole amount monthly. That changed around two years ago when I started paying them whatever I could afford each month. This is always well above their minimum payment requirement and I never missed a payment to date.

        I get paid last friday of the month and this often means I could not meet their 3 day rule. They started hitting me with £12 late payment charges. They also destroyed my Credit Rating by adding Late Payment to my record each time. This means I could not transfer to another card. They got me trapped. I complained to them and they said "tough"; just less politely than that.
        I feel for you in your position, but sadly Virgin MBNA have the law on their side with this one as I understand it. You are paying late and they are imposing late payment charges - all fair enough (though unfortunate for you).

        Can you contact them asking if your payment date can be changed? I've not done this on credit cards, but have on lots of other things without problem. Try to speak to a reasonably senior person - if you get through to a call centre you'll need to go up 3 or 4 ranks before you get to anyone who can really do something. RECORD THE CONVERSATION! Explain your situation, emphasise you have never missed a payment and why you are incurring your late payment charge. Explain it is causing you financial hardship and getting you further into debt. They will either say yes or no!

        Following that I'd fill in an IE sheet (good template here) and post it on here for us to look at. If things go well with that for you, you may then be able to send it to Vigin MBNA asking them to free all charges and interest.

        Excuse me if I seem to ignore you after this - I'm in the middle of a holiday and am not back till Sunday. Internet service is VERY limited - almost non existant.


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