Trying to reclaim some credit card charges (Marbles credit card), just over £500 including interest. HFC said no way so went to FOS who have written to me with an offer of £1.91 taking into account £407 which was written off due to an IVA being in place at the time. We have never had an IVA, we did pay off the credit card early and got an early settlement figure which was about £300 under what was owed at the time. Can anyone help me out here?
Just had a look at the statements they sent me When I settled this account they gave me an early settlement figure which was £324.25 less than what was owed, it seems HFC have added interest to this figure upto June 2005, six months after this account was closed, making a total of £407.68??
Just had a look at the statements they sent me When I settled this account they gave me an early settlement figure which was £324.25 less than what was owed, it seems HFC have added interest to this figure upto June 2005, six months after this account was closed, making a total of £407.68??