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  • #16
    Re: HSBC & D.G

    7 days is enough for pre action, what was your letter to them regarding your house sale in response to (ie had they already threatened court action then just disgarded your letter and carried on with that) ?

    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


    • #17
      Re: HSBC & D.G

      ahh right, the october final demand will probably cover the preaction protocols.

      Yep you probably want to look at default notices etc, but first thing is to find out what they are actually going to try enforcing and counter that.

      Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

      Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


      • #18
        Re: HSBC & D.G

        Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
        7 days is enough for pre action, what was your letter to them regarding your house sale in response to (ie had they already threatened court action then just disgarded your letter and carried on with that) ?

        3rd July 2009 post informs this subject after telecon from a Udall of D.G requesting I pay them not HSBC and I followed up that letter from CCCC THE HELP PEOPLE SITE, ALSO COPIES AS REQUESTED BY HIM OF PAYMENTS HE SAID HAD NOT BEEN CREDITED (THEY HAD IT SEEMS) capitals again sorry. Also had included Income & Expenditure breakdown as requested by them.


        • #19
          Re: HSBC & D.G

          Yep, solicitors lie and you have never seen the order from the court. If its an issue that they say they havent had payments and you have receipts you paid then it won't go far in court - IF the CCJ is actually an installment order for £50 a month. You really need to know what the CCJ is for before u can see what to do about the enforcement application.

          Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

          Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


          • #20
            Re: HSBC & D.G

            Just a thought, to my mind (probably wrong) the way HSBC have treated me after heart attack (also Cap one),( they have no regard to decency towards customers) I should look out for myself i.e. challenge them to produce actual CCA etc, and raise a Set Aside with Court to challenge them on issue CCA also charges whist having asked them to cease interest payments, whereby they went ahead and credited account full repayment amounts to boost account to its limit,after I had not made payments at that time??, also HSBC going to court to only receive £50 a month to which they were already receiving, that to me is vindictive/nasty, and why would the court not look at my submission of continuing the £50 I was already paying, and saying HSBC d.g. were waisting the Courts time>//?????

            Thoughts on this??
            Last edited by MIKE770; 10th January 2010, 13:43:PM.


            • #21
              Re: HSBC & D.G

              Have sent to admin copy of letter from DG originally informing of CCJ & containing brief contents, unable to down load here.:beagle:
              Last edited by Amethyst; 10th January 2010, 16:46:PM.


              • #22
                Re: HSBC & D.G

                Phone on blink incoming at the moment only, so I have sent E.mail to Northampton C.C. asking for determination of February 2009 to be sent to me and any related reason for transfer.


                • #23
                  Re: HSBC & D.G

                  Originally posted by MIKE770 View Post
                  Phone on blink incoming at the moment only, so I have sent E.mail to Northampton C.C. asking for determination of February 2009 to be sent to me and any related reason for transfer.
                  Handset come adrift from telepone, dah! anyway no response yet from Northampton, will try ringing later to-day if still no reply. Any thoughts on set a side anybody experiance?, would love that to happen then as previous posting negotiate a setlement if you get my drift.


                  • #24
                    Re: HSBC & D.G

                    sorry Mike,

                    This claim was it for an overdraft or a credit card - have gotten confused.

                    If its a CCJ for a credit card which you have been paying continuously since the CCJ then there is no enforcement they can take - I have seen quite a lot of enforcement applications going in over the past few days, I dont know if with the bank charges catching up they are doing they are catching up on everything else as well.

                    You will need to send to the court a copy of all your payment evidence to show you havent missed any payments - if hsbc have misallocated the payments thats their problem. d&g are inhouse sols for Hsbc so it shouldnt make any difference if the payment went to D&G or HSbC.

                    If you have missed any payments then you need to catch up and send evidence that it has been caught up asap.

                    Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                    Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                    • #25
                      Re: HSBC & D.G

                      Originally posted by Amethyst View Post
                      sorry Mike,

                      This claim was it for an overdraft or a credit card - have gotten confused.

                      If its a CCJ for a credit card which you have been paying continuously since the CCJ then there is no enforcement they can take - I have seen quite a lot of enforcement applications going in over the past few days, I dont know if with the bank charges catching up they are doing they are catching up on everything else as well.

                      You will need to send to the court a copy of all your payment evidence to show you havent missed any payments - if hsbc have misallocated the payments thats their problem. d&g are inhouse sols for Hsbc so it shouldnt make any difference if the payment went to D&G or HSbC.

                      If you have missed any payments then you need to catch up and send evidence that it has been caught up asap.
                      HSBC credit card, payments are up to date, but not all on the exact payment day, also over 12 months some £600 paid back at the said rate, but after refunds Bank credit card Charges & car insurance credited to account puts repayments well ahead of requirement as per CCJ by £200+.


                      • #26
                        Re: HSBC & D.G

                        Okay I think you need to set yourself up a little spreadsheet showing all payments made to this CCj since you received it. write to the court and hsbc/D&G asking why they have gone for enforcement when the account is up to date.

                        any luck getting the original CCJ order from the court yet?

                        Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                        Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


                        • #27
                          Re: HSBC & D.G

                          What a day, seems to of all happened as we know, o.k. try to get to T Court to-morrow for info.

                          I also heard from Consumer net/ashworth law, after all this time reference PPI reclaim,
                          withdrawing as little chance of success. o.k. I know I had a claims from PPI 1 month or just over, but HSBC rep told me all eventualities, so I could not go back full time as employer stopped me, PPI was added to original loan, and they would not cancel it when I asked them, thats it on that then.


                          • #28
                            Re: HSBC & D.G

                            Went to the court offices to-day, but queues there , we kept getting ushered around, something going on Ambulances there up in the court rooms I believe, after a long wait at reception I decided to ring them from home in an attempt to talk to them, will try again Monday.


                            • #29
                              Re: HSBC & D.G

                              Got hold of local court, they confirmed the case in their hands, but informed me no action as yet as the case was STAYED last August, so until HSBC do anything wait and see. any comment Ame?
                              ------------------------------- merged -------------------------------
                              Originally posted by MIKE770 View Post
                              Got hold of local court, they confirmed the case in their hands, but informed me no action as yet as the case was STAYED last August, so until HSBC do anything wait and see. any comment Ame?

                              If anything should move on this, I would want to change my plea from the original NI & challenge certain points - could I , they would not go ahead and deal without my knowledge would they??
                              Last edited by MIKE770; 20th January 2010, 15:06:PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                              • #30
                                Re: HSBC & D.G

                                so there is no CCJ, shock horror.

                                HSBC are after the payments you were making on your loan going towards the c/card debt.

                                The order from the court

                                ''Have received to-day letter from Northampton CCBC giving notice of transfer of proceedings to local conty court for enforcement,''

                                was that on the courts own motion ?

                                Any support I provide is offered without liability, if you are unsure please seek professional legal guidance.

                                Received a Court Claim? Read >>>>> First Steps


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