Since having to look at past records of my credit history for reference it has made me aware that you can only request and view past credit records that you have generated yourself on the day. Let's say you need to look the state of your file on the 12/12/2006 due to some defaulted account and you just wanted to see what good standing your file was in on that day if you didn't ask and generate one foget about wanting to ever see it.
As far as I believe many companys know this which may well sway in their favour, not to mention the problems one may find if a debt has been put in default again and again and you have no proof it's ever been happening. I could kick myself for haveing an huge black hole in my history where I cannot see what companys were doing (around 7 years) but for the last 6 I have logged in and generated a creditfile every day to which is then stored by the company for later viewing and believe me it's served me well being able to produce my creditfile from the past 6 years, not one day missed
My advice is generate your credit file every day, it may cost you around £5 a month but well worth it.
As far as I believe many companys know this which may well sway in their favour, not to mention the problems one may find if a debt has been put in default again and again and you have no proof it's ever been happening. I could kick myself for haveing an huge black hole in my history where I cannot see what companys were doing (around 7 years) but for the last 6 I have logged in and generated a creditfile every day to which is then stored by the company for later viewing and believe me it's served me well being able to produce my creditfile from the past 6 years, not one day missed
My advice is generate your credit file every day, it may cost you around £5 a month but well worth it.