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Water Company REFUSE to remove Default, even after providing them proof

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  • Water Company REFUSE to remove Default, even after providing them proof

    Hi each and all - I am unfortunately back on the usual Default & CCJ carousel - perpetuaated by the typical greedy cabal - this time it is my Water Supplier, and I cant emphasise how much I want to stick it to these money hungry morons.

    The Sittuation:

    A default was placed on my Transunion credit file dated February 2023, the defalt date being September 2022

    I did send tme a letter in informing them I would now be residing elsewhere including the address, which coincidently is an are that they solely supply water to
    After telephoning them I was told that if I can send them a copy of an Electricity Bill in my name at my other address they would remove the Default
    So I sent them an Electricity bill, in my name, at my other address, that pre-dated their default date

    I then received the following response:

    "Thanks for taking the time to send in the documentary evidence.

    Regrettably, the documentary evidence you have provided, isn’t sufficient to enable your account to be amended at this time.

    To help you, a non-credit search was done through TransUnion, however it still links you to ##########. As you will appreciate, this information may or may not be accurate.

    To enable your account to be updated correctly, please provide a final council tax bill or a letter from the council, which confirms when your liability for Council Tax at ###### stopped.

    Alternatively, we would accept documentation from any of the following

    Initial Council Tax bill for alternative addresses
    · Department for Works & Pensions.
    · HMRC.
    · Bank or Building Society- covering the whole billing period.
    · Council Authority or Housing Association.

    So I then sent them a Council Tax bill, in my name, at my other address, again pre-dating their Default date, I also added the following:

    Everything ranging from my utility bills to Bank(s) and Credit Card(s) are registered to #########, and not my previous address: as per the proof that you requested, and subsequently received. a few anomalies have become apparent in your most recent Email I am therefore requesting the exact date that a "non credit search" was conducted by yourselfs in relation to me - via TransUnion.

    Although Data protection law doesn’t require you to have gained my consent before you can carry out a search of my credit file you must have a lawful basis for doing so, I also should have been informed that any given search was going to take place - I am also exercising my right of erasure under data protection law, in relation to any personally identifiable documentation supplied to you for the purpose of identity verification, and ask that you respond to this request within one calendar month from the date of this Email.

    To which they then responded:

    We take great care to look after customer’s personal information and share it securely.
    We share only the minimum amount of information that we’re expected to.
    To clarify, under Data Protection Laws, companies can share information about customers, either with their permission or without, if there’s a valid and important reason to do so.
    A customer is not able to ask us to stop as we don’t need their permission to share data.

    The reason’s we don’t require customer’s permission to share data are, companies are supported offering money/credit by only letting customer’s borrow what they can afford, helps detect fraud and anti money laundering services and is used to confirm a customer’s identity.
    Also supports finding customers and collecting money from those who have not paid their bills and supports our legal and regulatory requirements under the water industry act 1991.

    I’ve reviewed your account and query and I empathise with your current situation, however I have to reiterate the response you received from my colleague, that documentary evidence you have supplied is insufficient and therefore your account cannot be reviewed.

    To resolve the problem we require full documentary evidence providing a final council tax statement for the property.
    Once you’ve supplied this information we would be more than happy to look at adjusting the account accordingly

    As much as I want to stick it to these greedy ( Beep Beep ) I am unsure as to my next move - so any advice would be gladly received and very much appreciated.

  • #2
    Well firstly thanks for all of the replies ( lol ) HOWEVER - I MANAGED THE IMPOSSIBLE....

    I have managed the impossible, after intense research I managed to find the required angle needed, which was a rule/technicality that made them vulnrable to a big fine from the ICO, resulting in the said utility company after refusing over and over again to remove the default(s) to now AGREEING to remove the default(s) "BIG SMILE"

    I am 99.9% certain that this rule/technicality will have been breached by all Utility Companies, so if I can help anyone with the removal of a "Utility Default" please send me a message

    Best Wishes


    • #3
      Sorry you did not get replies - sometimes you have to bump it a few times as people are obviously busy but well done for your triumph and thank you for offering to help others. My advice would have been to get a final statment from the council but all was well in the end!


      • #4
        Hi all,

        I had a Halifax default put against my name and debt sold on to PRA for a loan.
        i missed two payments in 2022 - Jan missed , feb and March paid then missed April and paid May. By May 17 I had a default against my credit report and debt sold.
        now I’ve been told to re look into this because I had only missed two payments and not three, is this correct?


        • #5
          Smith12345 You should start a new thread of your own. Attaching your question to someone else's year old thread which is on a different subject is likely to result in it not being seen.
          All opinions expressed are based on my personal experience. I am not a lawyer and do not hold any legal qualifications.


          • #6
            Thanks I have now but no response


            • #7
              Hi Darenboro
              i am very much interested how you managed to win Yorkshire water with a technically as I have a similar situation around moving and refusing to remove the default.I will be grateful if you can help me out.


              • #8
                Hey Darren,
                Please share as I also have a default from southern water but sure I have read we are not able to get a default from utility or mortgage companies?


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