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Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

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  • Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

    My friend told me on Friday that she had given someone some money to a guy, who has now changed his number and is not responding to her emails.

    Of all the stupid things my friend has done this must be the worst and for me is that final straw with her. I don't know if she has some kind of addiction or fetish to chat to guys in chat rooms or is just genuinely lonely...........but whatever the reason what she has done has no explanation in my eyes.

    In July she joined this site where people chat and got to know this guy. He gave her a sob story that him and his brother had no visa and was looking for someone to get married. My friend who is a single mother said that she would be interested, but he played along with her and continued to give her his sob stories. Then he told her that he was going to be sent back and needed some money and asked her if she could loan him some money.

    As she is so naive and too straight for her own good she agreed. He gave her bank details and she transferred money from her account to the account number he gave.

    How much you ask? £1000

    I am still taking this in and I cannot believe that she done that. £50 maximum I would give away in a good cause and only and only if I knew where it was going and to whom. Where as my friend gave away £1000 to a guy who she don't know jack crap about. No address, no name, no nothing just a bank account that he gave her which could be anyone's.

    Now if I suggest that she go to the police then they will want to know all the details and what details dose my friend have? nothing, exactly. It is obvious that he has defrauded her out of this money, but then again he must be an expert and god knows how many other women he has done this too.

    I am very upset with my friend and asked why does she not discuss these things before she thinks she is Mother Theresa, and only tells me after she has done them. She was very tearful and I was very harsh with her, but I can't see any other way of getting through to her thick brain at times.

    What I would like to now is there anything my friend can to to try and recover this money or should she put it down to experience and a very bitter lesson learned, but then again this guy is still out and thinks he has gotten away with conning someone out of money and preying on their kind nature and will continue to do this.

    Oh I am so mad at the moment with the both of them, Please could anyone help or advise on this very stupid stupid matter.
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  • #2
    Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!


    Thanks for posting this.

    And OMG, blimey!
    I really don't know what to say, but OMG!
    I'm sure someone will have some advice for you, good luck x

    I bet you do feel upset, I really hope this gets sorted out and soon too!


    • #3
      Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

      Well fraud, report incident to Police give all info she has, what country he so called from? Bank to try and obtain Bank details monies sent (Police will do this if not I am sure, TELL HER TO KEEP OFF Chat sites!!! hard lesson to learn, but now forewarned is forearmed! There are some real ass/////// out there I!m afraid.


      • #4
        Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

        Thanks guys. I posted on the CAG forum too and received some great advice from caggers too.

        I can't believe that after seeing me struggle with all my financial problems which my friend knows about that she could have done this.........but I will not judge her as I too have made many errors in life. Just a waste is all I can say. Getting her money back well I think she is going to have to either wait for santa to put it in her stocking or pray for a miracle.

        This guy did not call my friend from another country, he was already here, the swine. One of the site team members gave me this link, how scary is this

        I fell for £60,000 conman on dating website match.com | Mail Online

        what is the matter with these people?


        • #5
          Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

          Tell your friend to report it to the police and to report it to the bank also, make sure she also writes to the bank and not just tell them on the phone and keep a folder with copies of all correspondence, and even print off and keep copies of the emails she received or anything else she can get her hands on.

          I think you're friend has been incredibly naive and has been conned, the only thing she will get from this is a hard lesson, sorry to be so harsh about this but its the truth, after all what did she think was going to happen, that the guy would suddenly turn up on a white charger, flags flying and whisk her off into paradise, because if thats what she thought then I feel for her.


          • #6
            Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

            Thanks sapphire I agree with all you say. I will tell my friend this too.


            • #7
              Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

              OP You got the name of this website published on GAG which is no mean feat, don't know if it is still there.
              Scottish Wildcat Association, conserving Scotland's critically endangered wild felines


              • #8
                Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

                Hi ZW, sorry but I don't understand what that means?


                • #9
                  Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

                  I saw your post on the consumer action group site this morning and you mentioned you had posted it here too, the name of this site is usually auto corrected to something else over there 'legal seagulls' last time I tried.

                  It was a little misspelt so that is probably why it got through.

                  Sorry not helpful to the matter in hand
                  Scottish Wildcat Association, conserving Scotland's critically endangered wild felines


                  • #10
                    Re: Friend thinks she is Mother Theresa!

                    Oh RIGHT, thanks


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