looking for a bit of advice ive got myself into a big debt with very catalouge & can no longer afford the £400 month i was paying
I cant bring myself to phone them as ive been receing letters & phone calls daily
I ceased payment in nivember 2014
I know i have ti start paying & can afford about £30 a minth which i know they are going to refuse
ive sent a CCA Request & today i received a very swift reply
my account was opened on 27th april 2009
they have sent me the following
1.a re-consituted copy of my credit agreement sent to me at the time of opening account ive not signed anything
2 . A copy of my current credit agreement which includes all applicable contractual variations and ammendments that have taken place since opened
when i did a cca previously on another company i had pages & pages of statements
None of the paperwork received has my signature on only my name and adress typed it also hasnt got a signature for a representative of the company
Is this a true copy of my credit agrrement ??
Thanks Lisa