Hi All,
This is my first real post apart from saying hello. I was at court today in Paisley Sheriff Court in Scotland to oppose the Sisting of the case my son has brought reclaiming penalty charges form Lloyds TSB.
Lloyds TSB had a QC in attendance (I think he was there representing several companies but not entirely sure). When we were called I stated my case for opposing the Sist as follows:
I said that I felt it was inappropriate to sist the case based on the OFT v Banks case for the following reasons.
1. The arguments in that case are not yet fully adjusted and it may be considerable time before a resolution is reached.
2. That this case is not a test case as any decisions regarding penalties will only be binding in England.
At this point the QC started to indroduce the issue of, a multiplicity of cases that would take up valuable court time, and it would be better to await the results of the OFT v Banks case.
I was just getting excited as he had referred to something that had not been mentioned in the Incidental Application to Sist. Then the bombshell!! :tinysmile_aha_t:
The Madam Sheriff held her hands up and said she would have to relinquish jurisdiction in this case as she was a shareholder with Llloyds TSB and the case has now been continued until August 1st. I genuinely do appreciate her honesty.
Think I'll go and buy a Euro Lottery ticket, what with the luck I have lol.
On a brighter note, when we left the courtroom the QC approached me and shook my hand. He said "I'd just like to tell you that I heard alarm bells this morning" I am grateful to him for that as I am now more sure that the argument I used is sound.
I'll keep you posted with any developments.
This is my first real post apart from saying hello. I was at court today in Paisley Sheriff Court in Scotland to oppose the Sisting of the case my son has brought reclaiming penalty charges form Lloyds TSB.
Lloyds TSB had a QC in attendance (I think he was there representing several companies but not entirely sure). When we were called I stated my case for opposing the Sist as follows:
I said that I felt it was inappropriate to sist the case based on the OFT v Banks case for the following reasons.
1. The arguments in that case are not yet fully adjusted and it may be considerable time before a resolution is reached.
2. That this case is not a test case as any decisions regarding penalties will only be binding in England.
At this point the QC started to indroduce the issue of, a multiplicity of cases that would take up valuable court time, and it would be better to await the results of the OFT v Banks case.
I was just getting excited as he had referred to something that had not been mentioned in the Incidental Application to Sist. Then the bombshell!! :tinysmile_aha_t:
The Madam Sheriff held her hands up and said she would have to relinquish jurisdiction in this case as she was a shareholder with Llloyds TSB and the case has now been continued until August 1st. I genuinely do appreciate her honesty.
Think I'll go and buy a Euro Lottery ticket, what with the luck I have lol.
On a brighter note, when we left the courtroom the QC approached me and shook my hand. He said "I'd just like to tell you that I heard alarm bells this morning" I am grateful to him for that as I am now more sure that the argument I used is sound.
I'll keep you posted with any developments.