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  • #16
    Ha Ha - Yeah Matt mine also called Commision - ive taken pretty much every major bank one way or another - it still makes me laugh though - Commission - you just gota love it!!!

    Hey no worries about hijacking my threads - thats how we build a community!!!!

    No such thing as idol chit chat as far as Im concern - everything is a valid conversation!


    • #17
      Originally posted by Scarlet View Post
      Ha Ha - Yeah Matt mine also called Commision - ive taken pretty much every major bank one way or another - it still makes me laugh though - Commission - you just gota love it!!!

      They may as well just call it "Unlawful profit making penalty charge"

      Hey no worries about hijacking my threads - thats how we build a community!!!!

      You're dead right, and thanks!

      No such thing as idol chit chat as far as Im concern - everything is a valid conversation!

      Very True
      My thoughts in red (Had to write something, otherwise if you haven't written 10 letters you can't post!)


      • #18
        Still it makes me mad that the banks just arent learning - since my last claim with HSBC, they just kept slapping the charges on totalling £1300.

        Mainly stemed from a wages mess - up then snowballed each month.

        They sure would save court costs if they didnt apply them in the first place - however what this tells me is - there must still be an awful lot of people still not bothering to claim - and I think thats what they are relying on!!!

        Failing that they are just plain stupid!!!

        As anybody who knows me will tell you - Im never going to struggle to write 10 letters


        • #19
          I've often wondered that myself, but as you say, not everyone will be claiming. I believe that the banks (or one bank, I can't remember) made £4bn in penalty charges last year, and even if you add together all of the claims together, I'm sure it isn't anywhere NEAR that figure, I doubt it's even in the high millions, so you can see why they're still doing it.

          They are definatly relying on peoples lack of knowledge that the fees are unlawful, or, worse they are relying on their bullying tactics to stop people from claiming, whether they know these charges are unlawful or not.

          Also, Yes, they probably are stupid as well

          Last edited by Paradox; 6th July 2007, 11:01:AM. Reason: I can't spell


          • #20
            What irks me - is after the publicity surrounding banks charges people still feel like there is a stigmar attached to it.

            The amount of people I talk to - say things like "well if you didnt bounce this or if you didnt spend that" as though its my fault. I cant beleive people still think the banks are ok to do this!!

            My mum-in-law is a classic - you know the sort respect your elders, authorities are always right, classic - dont ask questions generation.

            She always says to me "your going to get in trouble you are - chasing all these banks for money" I always reply with - "yes, but curtesy of them I can chase them in my new shiny Golf convertable".

            I do try to be patient with people - after all its their cash - but sometimes I want to bang their heads together as much as the banks!!!!


            • #21
              "How can you get into trouble when they're taking your money unlawfully. The law says it's wrong for them to do it, so I'm going to get it back!"

              (I also tell them that it's hard work, and you always run the risk of going to court)

              Is my usual response to those that think that the banks are right and then ask them if they want my help

              But yes, some people do want their heads banging against a wall, along with the banks and also those that think the reclaiming process is easy! One of my OH's friends has sent 2 letters to her bank, from the BBC website I think and now expects her money back in full. I've told her it's not going to happen, but we'll see.



              • #22
                Yes thats the other lot as well - as if the banks are going to hand it over so easy - they are going to keep their greedy mitts on it for as long as possible!!!

                I had Natwest for one of my claims I think it went down as the worst one in ages - they played really dirty!!!! But I won in the end!!!!

                Thefew Im claimingfor here are just a couple of quid - but the way I look at it is this - its a nice start to a saving pot - something I havent had in a very long time (shhhh just dont tell the children!!)


                • #23
                  Well Dispite this claim only being £100, and the fact my Prelim wentover by about 21 days instead of 14, and the LBA being up 10 days ago (I know Im slack but I have started a new job excuses excuses...)

                  And dispite the fact they already payed out £270 in fees (which doesnt surprise me as they applied 3 on one day which left my account zero'd so all subsequent DDs Bounced etc etc - and then I ended up £270 overdrawn in charges only).

                  I received a letter from them stating that they need 4 weeks to look into this matter fully........hmmmmmm

                  I think as this is only a little claim they are edging their bets that I wont go to court - Me thinks Im going to send them a copy of my special letter, giving them 7 days notice and them if not, register the claim. At the end of the day they are just being silly billys!


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