I haven't done anything apart from keeping up with paperwork following on from CCA requests made years ago, but having to reply to Lowell today caused me to look at the bits on the PC and jogged my memory about 2 CCA's that were not complied with.
First is Tesco, requested CCA in 2009, no response. Complained, no response. Sent SAR in 2009 including specific request for agreement/application. Nothing. Complained, nothing.
I've been paying them on a payment plan for years, but would really like sight of whatever they have if that's to continue. Should I re-SAR them do you think, then complain to the ICO (which I didn't last time) when they ignore it again? Two things would stop me doing that though - 1) I've already paid my tenner and got sod all for it, and 2) When Egg didn't comply some years ago I complained to the ICO, who duly told me that Egg told them they had complied so it was all alright. When I said Egg were lying, they said they'd deal with it and that was the last I heard. I followed up with the ICO and they said they'd spoken to Egg again and this time they'd really sent it. No point complaining again as clearly they don't bother checking if the banks are telling the truth.
Second is Citi, who technically did comply, sort of I guess, by sending a transposed list of information in table form when I sent them an SAR in 2008. Obviously no t's and c's on it, new or historic etc. Several further requests for an actual agreement/application/anything not knocked up by the Saturday boy were ignored by them, First Credit and Connaught (1st Credit bought the account, Connaught manage it).
Both of these are now 5+ years past their deadlines, but both have been paid the original agreed payment plan amount the whole time.
What would you do? Both are quiet and have been for a while (aside from a quickly rebuffed fake SD from Connaught about 18 months ago), but both have ignored SAR's and numerous complaints. Do I let sleeping dogs lie or poke the bear?
First is Tesco, requested CCA in 2009, no response. Complained, no response. Sent SAR in 2009 including specific request for agreement/application. Nothing. Complained, nothing.
I've been paying them on a payment plan for years, but would really like sight of whatever they have if that's to continue. Should I re-SAR them do you think, then complain to the ICO (which I didn't last time) when they ignore it again? Two things would stop me doing that though - 1) I've already paid my tenner and got sod all for it, and 2) When Egg didn't comply some years ago I complained to the ICO, who duly told me that Egg told them they had complied so it was all alright. When I said Egg were lying, they said they'd deal with it and that was the last I heard. I followed up with the ICO and they said they'd spoken to Egg again and this time they'd really sent it. No point complaining again as clearly they don't bother checking if the banks are telling the truth.
Second is Citi, who technically did comply, sort of I guess, by sending a transposed list of information in table form when I sent them an SAR in 2008. Obviously no t's and c's on it, new or historic etc. Several further requests for an actual agreement/application/anything not knocked up by the Saturday boy were ignored by them, First Credit and Connaught (1st Credit bought the account, Connaught manage it).
Both of these are now 5+ years past their deadlines, but both have been paid the original agreed payment plan amount the whole time.
What would you do? Both are quiet and have been for a while (aside from a quickly rebuffed fake SD from Connaught about 18 months ago), but both have ignored SAR's and numerous complaints. Do I let sleeping dogs lie or poke the bear?