Sorry to bore you all, but the more I think about it the more I get annoyed about it.
I deposited £1000.00 into my account - went online to check if this had been received and my balance was nil. called the hotline number explained what I had done, he went through security with me.
Basically, my card that I had in my name was showing as my boyfriends card account . So we have a savings account joint & a current account seperate to each other. I put the money into my savings account. It turns out the money had gone to my boyfriends current account, these cards are not linked. But the savings card was in my name, but showing his name. confused yes I was.
Anyways what I need to know is, we have sepearte accounts they told me to go to my fella and ask him to give me the money I refused and told them its there mistake not mine. they ammend the card the manage said he has no idea how my boyfriend name is on my card when clearly the card is in my name. Money transferred back end of story.. I told the manage this money was my savings as I was planning to leave my boyfriend and do a moonlight flit, now he had jeapodised this, and my partner is a violent man I would get a beating for this. he appolgised and said comoputer error. so would I have the rights to demand compoensation dataprotection was jeopardise etc etc. sorry to bore and confuse.. Kim Oh Santander I was orignal Abbey
Sorry to bore you all, but the more I think about it the more I get annoyed about it.
I deposited £1000.00 into my account - went online to check if this had been received and my balance was nil. called the hotline number explained what I had done, he went through security with me.
Basically, my card that I had in my name was showing as my boyfriends card account . So we have a savings account joint & a current account seperate to each other. I put the money into my savings account. It turns out the money had gone to my boyfriends current account, these cards are not linked. But the savings card was in my name, but showing his name. confused yes I was.
Anyways what I need to know is, we have sepearte accounts they told me to go to my fella and ask him to give me the money I refused and told them its there mistake not mine. they ammend the card the manage said he has no idea how my boyfriend name is on my card when clearly the card is in my name. Money transferred back end of story.. I told the manage this money was my savings as I was planning to leave my boyfriend and do a moonlight flit, now he had jeapodised this, and my partner is a violent man I would get a beating for this. he appolgised and said comoputer error. so would I have the rights to demand compoensation dataprotection was jeopardise etc etc. sorry to bore and confuse.. Kim Oh Santander I was orignal Abbey