I had a sole trader business account with HSBC which ceased trading in 2007. I left it with a £8K overdraft and £5K on a credit card. I have heard nothing at all since. Now I get letters from a DCA who has bought the debt and are chasing me for it.
My question is;
Although these were the final balances in 2007, the balances may have been much less in the previous years, so using the SOL act, can they only go back to the balance that was on them 6 years ago?
I had a sole trader business account with HSBC which ceased trading in 2007. I left it with a £8K overdraft and £5K on a credit card. I have heard nothing at all since. Now I get letters from a DCA who has bought the debt and are chasing me for it.
My question is;
Although these were the final balances in 2007, the balances may have been much less in the previous years, so using the SOL act, can they only go back to the balance that was on them 6 years ago?