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Career Development Loan & Co-Op

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  • Career Development Loan & Co-Op

    Dear Wise Ones,

    I hope this is the correct forum area to post on.

    I have taken out a CDL loan with Co-Operative bank to fund a MSc and I am being ask to pay it back before my course ends (November 2011). When I intially made the agreement between the bank I was un-aware of my end dates however I now know the course will end in Janurary.

    Contacting Co-Operative they said that the dissertation was not included in the FULL TIME course as they said I could go to work and pay it off. My augument is that IT IS included because when I paid the course fees I paid for the whole course which is inclusive of the dissertation and my course will only end once I have submitted the dissertation in December.

    They also said I should go on job-seekers allowance and claim back HOWEVER jobseekers allowance will not pay while I am on my COURSE.

    Also not sure if this applicable if i was an immigrant comming into the country on a student visa, I would not be allowed to work Full-Time while on my course which would include my dissertation as highlighted on the website: Working in the UK during your studies

    "If you are writing a dissertation or thesis, even if you are not attending classes, this is not a holiday period for you. This means that you should not work full-time until you have submitted your dissertation or thesis and finished your studies, unless you are doing a work placement which is part of your course."

    I just want to know if I have any case to put to Co-Op regarding the matter of repayment. Any advise would be gratefully appreciated.


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  • #2
    Re: Career Development Loan & Co-Op

    Can you post up the CDL agreement with all personal details removed so we can have a look at it please?


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