Re: Swift Advances plc & CRA's
Lets see what kind of stuff hits the fan with this
To Mr Shawn Holtzcalw
Managing Director/CEO
Equifax Ltd
Dear Mr Holtzclaw,
I have previously e-mailed you about issues surrounding information being supplied which in my opinion is being criminally supplied, each time you have passed these e-mails downwards in your organisation.
I suggest quite strongly that you deal with this situation personally, as I inform you that your security system is not secure and is unsafe
I have made your senior customer relations manager Kathryn Keogh aware of this and she has disregarded my allegations and has closed her “so called” investigations.
You will be able to obtain all correspondence surrounding my complaints, I will therefore not repeat them. I have submitted evidence to your Kathryn Keogh that on two occasions your security system was breached by a covert method and both my credit file and my partner’s credit file were extracted from your data base and hard copied without our knowledge or consent at the time of this copying.
Equifax have no record of these intrusions, but I have the result of these unauthorised unrecorded access searches, copies of the files that were extracted from your “ Secure System”????.
This is a serious issue that you should investigate personally, as under corporate law you are completely responsible for this invasion into our privacy both under the Data Protection Act and Article 8 of The European Convention on Human Rights which is embedded in the U.K Human Rights Act.
On the 19th February 2007 your system was accessed by Promise Finance/Solutions Ltd and my credit file was downloaded by that firm and copied into hard copy, on the same occasion my partners credit file was downloaded and copied, neither of us had any knowledge of this and there is no record of any search on either of our credit files.
These files were then joined together by the copier, added notes were applied by copier, this joint file was then passed on to Swift Advances plc.
All this without our knowledge and it appears without the knowledge of Equifax Ltd.
On the 22nd March 2007 at 10: 04:57 am precisely Swift Advances plc accessed your system in the same manner and also copied both my credit file and my partners.
Swift Advances plc has denied accessing your system and copying these files to your Kathryn Keogh.
Of course she has taken Swift Advances plc ( your clients who pay you well for your services) word above our word despite us having absolute prima fascia evidence of this.
The reason for this is that we “common” people are regarded by organisations such as Swift Advances plc and “others” as complete idiots to whom “lipservice” must be paid in any complaint.
I have made the ICO case worker who is investigation a complaint about Swift Advances plc aware of this latest serious development, I am also preparing a chronology to send to every media outlet as possible, it is of massive public importance that the flaws in your system are made public, I am arranging an appointment with my MP Mr Andrew Miller who was one of the MP’s involved in the drafting the DPA 1998 with the First Information Commissioner Elizabeth France.
I am certain he will be most concerned about all this.
I can be contacted on telephone number should you wish to contact me, to discuss this issue. I did try to speak with the Compliance department of Swift Advances plc, to ask questions as to why and how they did this, they refuse to talk to me.
I would suggest to you that Swift Advances plc have copied every single one of their customers credit files and you have no record or knowledge of it all, so much for protecting data subjects information and data.
I have made the ICO aware of this also.
Yours sincerely
Lets see what kind of stuff hits the fan with this
To Mr Shawn Holtzcalw
Managing Director/CEO
Equifax Ltd
Dear Mr Holtzclaw,
I have previously e-mailed you about issues surrounding information being supplied which in my opinion is being criminally supplied, each time you have passed these e-mails downwards in your organisation.
I suggest quite strongly that you deal with this situation personally, as I inform you that your security system is not secure and is unsafe
I have made your senior customer relations manager Kathryn Keogh aware of this and she has disregarded my allegations and has closed her “so called” investigations.
You will be able to obtain all correspondence surrounding my complaints, I will therefore not repeat them. I have submitted evidence to your Kathryn Keogh that on two occasions your security system was breached by a covert method and both my credit file and my partner’s credit file were extracted from your data base and hard copied without our knowledge or consent at the time of this copying.
Equifax have no record of these intrusions, but I have the result of these unauthorised unrecorded access searches, copies of the files that were extracted from your “ Secure System”????.
This is a serious issue that you should investigate personally, as under corporate law you are completely responsible for this invasion into our privacy both under the Data Protection Act and Article 8 of The European Convention on Human Rights which is embedded in the U.K Human Rights Act.
On the 19th February 2007 your system was accessed by Promise Finance/Solutions Ltd and my credit file was downloaded by that firm and copied into hard copy, on the same occasion my partners credit file was downloaded and copied, neither of us had any knowledge of this and there is no record of any search on either of our credit files.
These files were then joined together by the copier, added notes were applied by copier, this joint file was then passed on to Swift Advances plc.
All this without our knowledge and it appears without the knowledge of Equifax Ltd.
On the 22nd March 2007 at 10: 04:57 am precisely Swift Advances plc accessed your system in the same manner and also copied both my credit file and my partners.
Swift Advances plc has denied accessing your system and copying these files to your Kathryn Keogh.
Of course she has taken Swift Advances plc ( your clients who pay you well for your services) word above our word despite us having absolute prima fascia evidence of this.
The reason for this is that we “common” people are regarded by organisations such as Swift Advances plc and “others” as complete idiots to whom “lipservice” must be paid in any complaint.
I have made the ICO case worker who is investigation a complaint about Swift Advances plc aware of this latest serious development, I am also preparing a chronology to send to every media outlet as possible, it is of massive public importance that the flaws in your system are made public, I am arranging an appointment with my MP Mr Andrew Miller who was one of the MP’s involved in the drafting the DPA 1998 with the First Information Commissioner Elizabeth France.
I am certain he will be most concerned about all this.
I can be contacted on telephone number should you wish to contact me, to discuss this issue. I did try to speak with the Compliance department of Swift Advances plc, to ask questions as to why and how they did this, they refuse to talk to me.
I would suggest to you that Swift Advances plc have copied every single one of their customers credit files and you have no record or knowledge of it all, so much for protecting data subjects information and data.
I have made the ICO aware of this also.
Yours sincerely