This week has been a blitzkreig for me. By that i have attacked and attacked and attacked with information that will be invaluable to those who are claiming and those who experience problems.
In the Feedback bit of the site that requires membership is the Current refund guide used in branches which are not legal claims, we have details quoted from internal process manuals as to how far we can order statements with specific references and yesterday we have facts and figures of refunds.
You may ask the simple question WHY? Why have i chosen this week in the year to post the information if i have had it available for ages?
The answer is TODAY is one year since i joined the consumer fightback as NatWestStaffMember or nattie or natty as i am now depending on which site you are on. This site is my new home. I am a bank insider that posts against the advice of my employee who has decided that due to the reputational risk i could be having to the bank that what I do is sackable.
I AM NOT SCARED anymore.
In the Feedback bit of the site that requires membership is the Current refund guide used in branches which are not legal claims, we have details quoted from internal process manuals as to how far we can order statements with specific references and yesterday we have facts and figures of refunds.
You may ask the simple question WHY? Why have i chosen this week in the year to post the information if i have had it available for ages?
The answer is TODAY is one year since i joined the consumer fightback as NatWestStaffMember or nattie or natty as i am now depending on which site you are on. This site is my new home. I am a bank insider that posts against the advice of my employee who has decided that due to the reputational risk i could be having to the bank that what I do is sackable.
I AM NOT SCARED anymore.