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SD Capital One Help

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  • #16
    Re: SD Capital One Help

    *Head Desk* !!!!!!

    I'll let MM explain, but basically the Judge has given Lowells 21 days to respond with documentation !!!!!!!
    As predicted they couldn't even be bother to attend.

    WTF is going on.


    • #17
      Re: SD Capital One Help

      Right, as CB says Lowell did not bother to attend but instead sent a letter or fax which arrived in the Chambers five minutes after we had gone in.

      The judge read the letter out and agreed that more time should be allowed for Lowells to provide documentation and a witness statement with a further 21 days allowed to review and submit our docs and witness statement before a further hearing which will take place at a date o be confirmed.

      At no time were we allowed to present any of our arguments or documentation!!

      On a further side note the results for complete disclosure under the DPA turned up from Lowell today by registered post.

      As CB says WTF!!


      • #18
        Re: SD Capital One Help

        I guess the Judge (female) didn't get any last night and was determined to make you pay for that fact

        No matter, it's all good for costs and we'll be laughing all the way to the bank on lowell's cheque


        • #19
          Re: SD Capital One Help

          So Mike, have Lowells complied with the court order ??


          • #20
            Re: SD Capital One Help

            Originally posted by Curlyben View Post
            I guess the Judge (female) didn't get any last night and was determined to make you pay for that fact
            CURLY ! next you'll be accusing her of having PMT tsk

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            • #21
              Re: SD Capital One Help

              Originally posted by Curlyben View Post
              So Mike, have Lowells complied with the court order ??
              Hiya CB

              Nope, have had nothing since the order nearly 8 weeks ago(apart from an arrears notice) the Court are and have been aware of this for some time, I am still awaiting a reply from them.....??

              I might give the Court a ring next week to see what will happen, I hope they are not allowed more time to comply!!


              • #22
                Re: SD Capital One Help

                So another week passes and anything at all ??


                • #23
                  Re: SD Capital One Help

                  Nope, nothing as yet from anyone? I will ring them now while I get a chance!!


                  • #24
                    Re: SD Capital One Help

                    Another day, another Lowell Feck up, so.....

                    MM will be along shortly with the full picture, but lets say POOOOOOCHED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    • #25
                      Re: SD Capital One Help

                      You have to admit the Leeds lot are doing really well at the moment but more on the football later lol

                      Well, Lowell didn't comply with the Court Order made some months ago at the last hearing and failed to file and serve a witness statement.

                      Due to the above, I must admit to being a little surprised to find that Lowell had sent representation to the court, the solicitor came down into the waiting room with what looked like fresh paperwork in his hand so not sure if he had just received this via fax? but still I watched him as he flicked through all the paperwork for 10 minutes before we were called in.

                      Once in Chambers the Solicitor stated to the Judge that he would be seeking a further adjournment whilst they retrieve information from the Original Creditor... Cue Judge!! who started the questioning with "Could you please tell me why you are asking for more time when the order was made 3 months ago? and could you please tell me why this Order has not been complied with? NOT HAPPY!! Well that was it game, set and match, the solicitor looked mortified and only offered the reply that this was Lowell's instruction to him... talk about Lamb to slaughter lol

                      The only time we spoke was when the Judge asked if we had anything questions to which I asked about costs, the Judge had a look at the schedule and asked some questions before he said that he could see by the paperwork that a significant amount of time had been spent on research but due to me doing some of the work on behalf of my wife he could only offer a reduced amount.

                      As Parting shot the Judge reminded the solicitor that the costs will be payable within 14 days..... Class

                      I have to say a huge thank you to LB and Curlyben who has guided me through all of this and to whom I will be eternally grateful!!

                      I will be making a donation in the coming days!!


                      • #26
                        Re: SD Capital One Help

                        Well Done x
                        Dragging myself and my family back into the light with the help of Beagles.

                        My Hardship Claim
                        Me VS Abbey Win
                        BIL HSBC Credit Card
                        BIL EGG
                        BIL HSBC Loan
                        BIL PPI Win


                        • #27
                          Re: SD Capital One Help

                          Lovely Jubbly !


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