Many thanks for taking the time to view my post, any help greatly appreciated as im getting quite stressed about this.
I have recently received a statutory demand for bankruptcy form Capquest with out ever receiving any other paperwork. Subsequently I applied via the CCA 1974 Act for the credit agreement from them and also a subject access request to Halifax(the original creditor). I received the attached files from Halifax and none as yet from Capquest even after the time limit has expired (letters sent 27/11/2008).I would like to know if this is actually enforceable as I don’t think it is for the following reasons
a)Its an application form not an credit agreement.
b)Does not meet the requirements as laid out in the 1974 Ac for specific details such as credit limit, cancellation terms etc.
If this is the case that it is unenforceable can I be informed of the actual missing terms etc. so I can present this to the judge at the hearing to get this set aside and if its unenforeable how do i get this debt removed and the default (which i presume i have, as i never had any paperwork about this)etc. if indeed i can.
Any help is greatly appreciated on the best way to deal with this.¤t=DOC003_Page_1.jpg¤t=DOC003_Page_1.jpg
I have recently received a statutory demand for bankruptcy form Capquest with out ever receiving any other paperwork. Subsequently I applied via the CCA 1974 Act for the credit agreement from them and also a subject access request to Halifax(the original creditor). I received the attached files from Halifax and none as yet from Capquest even after the time limit has expired (letters sent 27/11/2008).I would like to know if this is actually enforceable as I don’t think it is for the following reasons
a)Its an application form not an credit agreement.
b)Does not meet the requirements as laid out in the 1974 Ac for specific details such as credit limit, cancellation terms etc.
If this is the case that it is unenforceable can I be informed of the actual missing terms etc. so I can present this to the judge at the hearing to get this set aside and if its unenforeable how do i get this debt removed and the default (which i presume i have, as i never had any paperwork about this)etc. if indeed i can.
Any help is greatly appreciated on the best way to deal with this.¤t=DOC003_Page_1.jpg¤t=DOC003_Page_1.jpg