I just checked the register for Enforcement Agents certificates to find the Mr. Kernaghan who is the 'Enforcement Officer in Charge' of a supposed debt and has been to my house. On the letter he left me, he states his name is Kernaghan (with an A) and he works for Rossendales. On the register however, there is no Mr Kernaghan at all - there is a Christopher James Kernaghen(with an E) registered as working for Rossendales. Is this the same man?? Do you think he has changed the spelling of his surname on the letters I have been sent??
Also - can anyone tell me what should be written on a 'Notice of Enforcement Agent Attendance'?? I have been given TWO within a 4 day period - with no breakdown of the amount owed, or any charges added??
This is the first contact I have had with Rossendales, no previous letters whatsoever, and I am in the process of appealing the debt he is trying to recover at this time. Do I have to deal with him?? Or do I just ignore any attempts he makes and wait for a reply from the creditors??
Also - can anyone tell me what should be written on a 'Notice of Enforcement Agent Attendance'?? I have been given TWO within a 4 day period - with no breakdown of the amount owed, or any charges added??
This is the first contact I have had with Rossendales, no previous letters whatsoever, and I am in the process of appealing the debt he is trying to recover at this time. Do I have to deal with him?? Or do I just ignore any attempts he makes and wait for a reply from the creditors??