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Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice please

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  • Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice please


    Long story but here goes. 2 years ago the balloon payment was due on my wife's car. At the time, I used to act as Taxi to my dad and his new wife as they didn't drive. Dad offered to loan me the money- just saying we could repay him when I had the money but reiterated there was no rush. Unfortunately I then had a row with his new wife a few months later- he took her side and we haven't spoken since. Last week, completely out of the blue, an enforcement officer called to take possession of 2 cars that me and my wife are registered keepers of- but not legal owners. For insurance purposes my wife is registered keeper of the car I drive and vice versa.

    My mother in law is the legal owner of the car I drive ( which was my wife's) since last year. My wife got herself into some debt and her mother gave her the money to repay her debts on the proviso that she took possession of her car. My mother in law has allowed us to continue to use the car as long as we maintain its upkeep but the minute it is sold, she gets the proceeds.

    The car my wife drives, has me as the registered keeper but is actually owned by her father who is currently living in Spain. He let her use this car until he returns sometime next year when he will want the car back.

    I have several questions here.

    The original sum borrowed was £14000. The enforcement officer produced a document stating we now owed £19700. This was a huge shock as we have not received any communication from any solicitors or court over this matter.

    How has this happened without our knowledge?
    Can we contest these fees in anyway?
    Can the enforcement officer take the cars when we don't own them?

    I told the enforcement officer to stay where he was and I went straight up to my fathers to confront him. He then showed me several letters from the solicitors allegedly sent to me. I then phoned my wife and got the enforcement officer to come up to my fathers house. The enforcement officer then said the only way to avoid having the cars taken was to make arrangements to pay and for my dad to pay the solicitors fees and call the solicitor and tell them of the arrangement. At this time his wife said- 'where are we going to find £2000 worth of fees' and my dad said- 'I've got some in my Halifax and some in my Barclays account'. She really didn't want to agree to the terms but my dad did. We were also forced to agree to pay the loan back at £350 per month- which is more than we can realistically afford but felt I had no option but to agree to at the time. The enforcement officer said we had one month to make our first installment ie by 22nd May and he would contact their solicitors on their behalf.

    A couple of days later I received a call from my dad saying that we now had to pay their solicitors fees otherwise his wife would continue with enforcement action. It was obvious that he was been made to do this by his wife. I phoned the sheriffs office up and asked whether they could demand this after the agreement that had already been made. They told me they did not have any notes on file with regards to the agreement made in front of their officer and told me to put everything in writing which I did.

    I then got an email back saying we had to pay the first installment by tomorrow 02/05/14 to show good cause and would contact the solicitors for agreement of the repayment proposal. I also asked whether interest could be frozen to avoid any further debt.

    I then received a text message from my dad's wife saying that they have instructed their solicitor to accept the £350 a month on the proviso that the car I drive is sold within 6 weeks and they are refusing to stop interest.

    I know none of this is dad's doing. He is just too weak to stand up to her. All she has ever wanted to do is break his family apart and she has succeeded but what can I do about all this? I don't have the money to make this installment by tomorrow. I did offer to pay £50 with the rest when I get paid by email. I received an automated reply from the sheriffs office- but they didn't respond.

    Please help- All advice welcome
    Last edited by harveylad; 1st May 2014, 13:19:PM.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

    I really would appreciate any guidance whatsoever in view of the email from the sherriffs office demanding I pay by tomorrow


    • #3
      Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

      Typical family mess. I assume they have a Court Judgment against you? Have you checked to see if this is the case? Please note the Enforcement Agent has done nothing wrong as he is carrying out the instructions of the Claimant & High Court.

      Not having received and documentation about this from the Courts - you would need to check with the Court what address including postcode everything has been sent to - would entitle you to claim Set Aside but if you owe the money you are only swapping one Court Order for another.

      You may have jumped the gun in offering a payment you may struggle to meet, instead you should apply for a Variation Order where the Court can set the level of payment. You fill a fairly simple I&E in and as long as your disposable income matches your offer it is likely to be accepted - this could be a lot lower than the £350 you have offered.

      As for the Sheriffs Office you could apply for a Stay of Execution which halts any further enforcement action or charges. If the cars have been seized - possibly because the Enforcement Agent does not believe the ownership story - then the owners themselves must make a 3rd party claim in writing providing proof of ownership. They have 5 days in which to do this.


      • #4
        Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

        I have since checked and yes we do have a ccj registered against us both. The cars have not yet been seized as the enforcement officer accepted our repayment proposals and left. Do I need to make the Sheriffs office aware that the vehicles are not legally ours? This is all new to me- How do i apply for a Stay of Execution?



        • #5
          Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

          And also can I object to nearly £6k in charges/fees. I have never once said I wouldn't repay the loan. All they had to do was ask but I've not heard a single word in 2 years up to last week. How can I be made to pay another £6k on top?


          • #6
            Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

            Is the sum they say is owing correct? What paperwork has the Enforcement Agent left you? Were you sent a letter before he attended which should have given you 7 days notice?


            • #7
              Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

              As far as I am concerned i owe £14k - I was not sent any letter before he attended although he did say he had previously attended and pushed a letter through my door- which again- we have not had- The letter left is a notice of Seizure stating debt was £14043- plus their fees and charges took it up to £19744 and as interest is accruing on a daily basis the email from the sheriffs office received Monday 28/04/14 stating the balance had gone up to £19781.73. How do I dispute these charges? I have never had any court/ bailiff dealings before so have no idea where to turn. Please help- how do I get a variation order and a stay of execution and how long does that take,bearing in mind I have by tomorrow to make the first installment?


              • #8
                Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                Anyone else have any advice please?


                • #9
                  Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                  well looks like with the lack of help/adviceve no option than to pay the £350 tomorrow- where im getting it from I have no idea. I was recommended this site but have to say no one wants to help or seems to care much! haven't slept for days- looks like its toast for meals from now on . a very disappointed and anxious family man!


                  • #10
                    Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                    No need to slag off this site HCEO are a very specialist means of debt recovery their rules are clearly shown on their websites.
                    LB offers help and advice if you need qualified legal advice you should consult a Solicitor.

                    Many of the contributors to LB who may be able to help are not on here all the time .
                    Members do care for others take time to read other posts some members spend hours each week helping others please give them the respect they deserve


                    • #11
                      Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                      I've not slagged anyone off- merely said I was disappointed at the lack of help/guidance. I have scoured that many pages on here my head is spinning- and as I have had no experience of this what so ever - was hoping someone could help me in simple terms rather than legal jargon I don't understand


                      • #12
                        Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                        The process is as follows:

                        For whatever reason you get a CCJ. As it goes unpaid and if it is more than £600 can be transferred up to the High Court for enforcement and a Writ of Control is issued. The Writ is assigned to an authorised Enforcement Agent - in your case a member of The Sheriff's Office, at this stage you will have incurred a Compliance Fee. You must be next sent a letter - a Notice of Enforcement - which should give a clear 7 days in which to make contact in order to come to some arrangement to pay.

                        If you ignore the letter or make no contact the next stage is an Enforcement Agent may call. For this you will be charged an Enforcement Fee which I believe for this will be £195 +VAT + 7.5% of any amount over £1500. It is easy to see how the fees have increased substantially in your case given this.

                        Of concern at present is the fact you do not appear to have received the original Enforcement Agent giving you 7 days as stated above. You say the Agent that called says he posted a "notice" through your door previously. Do you know what date this was allegedly done?


                        • #13
                          Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                          The fees charged so far could well be correct given the current charging scheme and the correct way of contesting them is via detailed assessment which can have a downside because of the possible cost of doing so particularly if it goes against you. If you only have a "lumped together" set of figures you must ask the SO for a breakdown so you can see what fee is charged & when it was charged.


                          • #14
                            Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                            here's a breakdown
                            judgement debt £14043
                            judgement costs £536.60
                            execution costs £111.75
                            interest @ 8% £357.90 @3.20 per day
                            sheriff's fees £3912.76
                            vat £782.55
                            Total Levy £19744.56

                            I vaguely remember the enforcement officer telling me of a date he allegedly posted a letter through my door but I cannot remember what date he said. All I know is neither myself or my wife have received anything- not a single piece of post what so ever relating to any of this until the enforcement chap turned up.


                            • #15
                              Re: Enforcement Officer called to take 2 cars- we are not legal owners- Any advice pl

                              I have spoken previously of applying for a Stay of Execution and a Variation Order.

                              Variation Order - you have said youhave offered £350 per month which has been accepted but you appear to think this may overstretch yourself. I would be inclined to suggest you realise you have made a mistake in your calculations and need to revise your offer. I can guarantee your creditor will not be happy as they may realise & object to any smaller figure.

                              The way forward is to apply for a Variation Order where if necessary the Court can decide on the level of payment you have to make. It has a reasonably simple I&E which must be completed and if you are truthful you may find you have a lot less to offer than you have agreed now. The end result should show your disposable income and ifthat is only £100 per month then it shows you cannot afford the sum you have offered. On the converse it could go the other way and show you have £500 per month spare.

                              You apply for a Variation Order on Form N245 - from HMCTS website, application fee approx £50 but see later if you qualify for fee remission.

                              Stay of Execution - if granted halts all further enforcement action & charges. You need to supply grounds for applying and these could be:
                              i - you did not receive an Enforcement Notice giving you 7 days notice as stated in the Taking Contol of Goods Regulations 2013
                              ii - you cannot afford the fees demanded

                              This application is the more important of the two and is applied for on Form N244. This form when complete is better taken in person to the High Court in London or a County Court that acts as a District Registry of the High Court. To find a suitable Court near to where you live see https://courttribunalfinder.service.gov.uk/ and put your details in, it will give a list of Courts and you need to ensure it does High Court work.

                              The reason for taking it in person is that if you attend when the Court opens you tell them it is for an urgent application and often they will find a Judge who can hear your application immediately. The cost for this is now £155.

                              If you are on certain Benefits or a low wage then you may qualify to have the fees waived - see Forms EX160a & 160c for details.


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