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  • harrasment

    hi every one I write for advice as to how deal with what we think is harassment we have had a bailiff at our door who we thought was to collect £150 we have ended up paying over£600 as we have never had a bailiff or any other person like that my wife was harassed and pressured into borrowing the money from her 76yrs dad any advice on this matter when I got home she laid on the couch physically shaking and crying we can't afford a solicitor to advise us as to whether what he has done is within the boundaries of what he can do and we don't know our rights by the way this is for c tax also do the courts wash there hands of these matters once a document is handed over to these people any questions please feel free many thanks
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  • #2
    Re: harrasment

    Originally posted by mugs are us View Post
    hi every one I write for advice as to how deal with what we think is harassment we have had a bailiff at our door who we thought was to collect £150 we have ended up paying over£600 as we have never had a bailiff or any other person like that my wife was harassed and pressured into borrowing the money from her 76yrs dad any advice on this matter when I got home she laid on the couch physically shaking and crying we can't afford a solicitor to advise us as to whether what he has done is within the boundaries of what he can do and we don't know our rights by the way this is for c tax also do the courts wash there hands of these matters once a document is handed over to these people any questions please feel free many thanks
    Hi mugs are us and welcome to LB
    What council and what bailiffs are these?
    Has the bailiff ever been in your home and listed goods?
    Do you still owe money for the council tax?
    Have you defaulted on an arrangement

    Reason I ask is to see what has happened, and what the timeline is, as the rules change in 25 minutes with the Taking control of goods regulations. With this in mind we have to establish an accurate timeline with any levy, fee and visit accounted for and listed, as best advice depends on accurate info

    Rest assured Beagles will help you to sort this out.


    • #3
      Re: harrasment

      Unless you get a breakdown of fees/charges, we can't help you.

      Check with the council how many LO's they have obtained, How much these are for, who was billed for the relevant accounts.

      Ask the bailiffs what fees have been incurred, when they were incurred & under what header of Schedule 5 they fell under. Remind them that they should provide this information as per the National Standards for Enforcement Agents


      • #4
        Re: harrasment

        hi thanks for the reply 1 Bradford city council 2phoneix Bolton 3 yes by less than a day thanks


        • #5
          Re: harrasment

          Originally posted by mugs are us View Post
          hi thanks for the reply 1 Bradford city council 2phoneix Bolton 3 yes by less than a day thanks
          We need to know what is in place now as in is there a levy, have you ever let them in your home, how much is owing, are you up to date on any arrangement, or have you defaulted?


          • #6
            Re: harrasment

            I have a letter which he left which is notice of seizure goods inventory arrears due£478 levy charge £43 walking fee £12 enforcement fee£110 hope this helps thanks


            • #7
              Re: harrasment

              Originally posted by mugs are us View Post
              I have a letter which he left which is notice of seizure goods inventory arrears due£478 levy charge £43 walking fee £12 enforcement fee£110 hope this helps thanks
              Have you ever let him in? If not the levy could be on a car any car if it isn't your car t5he levy is invalid, but be aware it is now after midnight and the new rules are in so we have to make dure which will apply, as if there is a levy the old rules apply.

              Best thing is to get a nightsa sleep and we go through the timeline and where you are now in the morning. I have a sesson of Rise of Flight to go on and there is a Hun who may be a bailiff to shoot down in his little red Fokker


              • #8
                Re: harrasment

                hi not being thick but I am new to your forum and some of terminology that many of you use is baffling whats an lo ? thanks


                • #9
                  Re: harrasment

                  hi there is another member help as well as you please keep your terminology simple as we are not thick,just basic working people Q whats a levy A yes my wife let him in he introduced him self by name not as a bailiff please bear in mind we have never had to deal with these people before so we did know what we know now ie don't let them in . i will do my best to answer any Q feel free to ask very much appreciated to all of you taking an interest


                  • #10
                    Re: harrasment

                    A LO is a Liability Order.

                    As bizzybob has posted, we need to know if you've ever let him/her in. Also do you know what has been levied upon? and have you signed anything?

                    I calculate the correct figure for the levy fee to be £39.62 based on the amount of arrears you state. The £12 can only be charged if you've signed a walking possession agreement.

                    I believe that the enforcement fee can also be challenged as it should not be charged at the same time as the levy fee was charged. Wording in regulations is unclear on this issue but morally it is wrong and I would hope that the Ombudsman would ask a council to remove this fee.


                    • #11
                      Re: harrasment

                      hi can you be more specific as to what we would be levy on ie goods in our house yes my wife let him in as we didn't know the rules and yes my wife something that says that we will pay them we don't know what ?


                      • #12
                        Re: harrasment

                        The Inventory that you previously mentioned will list the goods that he's levied upon.

                        As you have let the bailiff in and agreed to a walking possession, the levy fee & walking possession fee are both legitimate.

                        For a debt of £478, the correct levy fee should have been £39.62.

                        You need to write a letter headed "Formal Complaint" to the CEO of your local Council. Tell him/her that the levy fee is incorrect. Advise him that you let the bailiff into your property and settled the debt in full. There was no need to enter into a walking possession agreement as the bailiff was paid instantly. The bailiff has tricked you into signing this agreement for no other reason but to crank up his fees. In addition, he has charge an attendance fee. You are aware that the council requires its bailiffs to give its debtors a reasonable opportunity to pay before goods are removed so therefore this fee should not have been applied in any case.

                        As a resolution to your complaint, you require the 3 fees to be removed and replaced with a first visit fee under Head A (£24.50). You require the balance to be refunded to you immediately.


                        • #13
                          Re: harrasment

                          hi it was the following day when we paid as my wife had to borrow the money he could not get anyfarther than the kitchen as the two dogs we had in the frontroom would have gone for him don't know if that would induce a walking fee but had agreed to pay the amount the following day also can he force us to pay amounts that we can afford to pay was this not harassment I may be picking through bone here for something that's not there again manythanks for advice


                          • #14
                            Re: harrasment

                            Well have a look what he's written on the inventory-This will list the goods he's seized.

                            If he has visited twice, even on 1st & 2nd visit fees, this would add up to £42.50 the correct levy fee of £39.62 and WP fee of £12 are less than £10 more. Technically, the bailiff has done nothing wrong & a bailiff visit will never be a pleasant experience.

                            If I were you, I'd still put the formal complaint in, asking for the attendance fee to be refunded. I think you are going to have to take the other two fees on the chin & put it down to experience. You could mention that the bailiff has made you part with amounts that you could not afford but the Council may think that your money was overdue and as you were able to borrow it, the bailiff has done his job & done nothing wrong.

                            £110 refunded will be a bit of pay back for them I'd guess? Be warned though, you may have to take your complaint to the Ombudsman so theres a few letters to write along the way.


                            • #15
                              Re: harrasment

                              many thanks to all of you for taking the time and also the advice its good to know that people like yourselves take time to help again many thanks mugs


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