Marston bailiffs have told me that they have a distress warrant to remove goods from my property for a magistrates fine that i defaulted on i have contacted the bailiff yesterday 21st of jan 2014 to try to ask if i could pay the fine over a few instalments but he reused to let me do this and gave me 24hrs to get £1,175.00 together to pay him today and if i do not then he will be attending my property tomorrow with a locksmith and the police to gain access and remove my goods, i would like to know if he is committing any offence firstly by threatening me with locksmiths (section 3 of the criminal damage act 1971) and would the locksmith be committing an offence under section 25 of the theft act 1968, also do i have the right to refuse him entry and is there any way i can take this matter back to the courts to get more time to pay the fine of. The fines relate to motoring offences from about 3 years ago
Can anyone give me good advice
Can anyone give me good advice