Help again please please . I had a knock on the door from a collectica bailiff telling me in 45 mins the police and locksmiths were coming unless I come up with £825 cash for a speeding fine .. Which I had offered to pay at a small amount but they refused. I'm not working due to waiting an operation, I'm single parent, my partner died in September, I rent my house and I have no other income apart from ESA and child tax credit ATM I can barely afford to live ATM.
He is returning tomorrow at 7.30/7.45 I'm scared very scared, my name is on log book but I have not paid for the car as it's a friend who said I could pay in due course. Do I have to let him break in as it's a rented property. What's he allowed to
take .. Would he take my daughters things? We don't have much as I have had to sell a lot off just to buy food and pay gas n electric. I have a couple bits of furniture which my mum has lent me as I have nearly nothing can he have them . Help please I'm terrified of tomorrow morning x
He is returning tomorrow at 7.30/7.45 I'm scared very scared, my name is on log book but I have not paid for the car as it's a friend who said I could pay in due course. Do I have to let him break in as it's a rented property. What's he allowed to
take .. Would he take my daughters things? We don't have much as I have had to sell a lot off just to buy food and pay gas n electric. I have a couple bits of furniture which my mum has lent me as I have nearly nothing can he have them . Help please I'm terrified of tomorrow morning x