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JBW Noticeplease help

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  • JBW Noticeplease help


    I have just opened a hand delivered letter demanding £493.84 for a parking fine apparently issued by London Borough of Islington. The letter states no details of the vehicle, date or circumstances of this fine. I have never received any details of any such parking fine and so I have no idea what this is in relation to. I am panicking as it is a lot of money and I can not ever recall having received a ticket in Islington or even parking there! What can I do about this? Please help!
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  • #2
    Re: JBW Noticeplease help

    That sounds about typical for Jamie's Brainless W*nkers.

    Try not to panic and contact Islington Borough Council tomorrow, to ask them for the details of when the alleged parking violation occurred and when it is supposed to have gone to court. You'd need those details anyway, to fight the penalty.


    • #3
      Re: JBW Noticeplease help

      Hi and welcome to Legal Beagles, how long have you owned the vehicle that has the alleged ticket in Islington?, do you live anywhere near there


      • #4
        Re: JBW Noticeplease help

        Thanks for your replies. I have owned my current car for 6 months. I do not live in London but I sometimes travel to London, however I do not recall parking in Islington in my car and definitely do not remember receiving a parking ticket. My old car was not registered to my new address and I no longer own my old car (I have changed driver details 6 months ago). I do not remember receiving a ticket in Islington for that car either.... There is no information at all on the Notice of Attendance so I am none the wiser as to what it is for? Im very worried that I will wake up tomorrow and my car will be clamped or lifted...


        • #5
          Re: JBW Noticeplease help

          Will Islington council send me information about the fine? What am I able to request from them? Do you think the bailiffs be back in the morning? Sorry for all the questions. I don't think I will get much sleep tonight!


          • #6
            Re: JBW Noticeplease help

            It seems likely that the parking tax/penalty was incurred by a previous owner.

            Islington Borough Council certainly should tell you more about it, especially when you explain that the bailiff turning up was the first you knew about it.

            The minion may also tell you a load of stercus bovi about you having to pay, or that the warrant applies to the motor-car rather than to the registered keeper - it doesn't, as no motor-car can lawfully owe money.

            Whatever warrant (or pseudo-warrant) the bailiff may be using must bear the name of the alleged debtor.

            If you can move your motor-car to some secure location such as a locked garage, do so now!


            • #7
              Re: JBW Noticeplease help

              Originally posted by inshock View Post

              I have just opened a hand delivered letter demanding £493.84 for a parking fine apparently issued by London Borough of Islington. The letter states no details of the vehicle, date or circumstances of this fine. I have never received any details of any such parking fine and so I have no idea what this is in relation to. I am panicking as it is a lot of money and I can not ever recall having received a ticket in Islington or even parking there! What can I do about this? Please help!
              Was the letter addressed to you?

              Whatever the answer to that one is, call the bailiff that left you the letter, his/her telephone number should be on the letter they left you, and if it was not addressed to you tell them, they might want to come back and check some form of ID, if it was addressed to you (start parking your car a couple of streets away from home) ask for the registration that appears on the liability order and the the ticket number from Islington.

              When you have this information write/email Islington and ask for photographic evidence, but do tell them that you never received any correspondence prior the bailiff visit.

              It is worth writing/emailin the bailiff company as well, because they should have sent you a letter saying that they are in possession of a Warrant of Execution for such and such an offence and you have 7 days to pay £XXX fine plus £13.44.

              If and when the bailiff comes back DO NOT LET THEM IN, no matter what they tell you.
              The Black rat (Rattus rattus) is a common (hence the accusation of being Pleb) long-tailed rodent of the genus Rattus (rats) in the subfamily Murinae (murine rodents). The species originated in tropical Asia and spread through the Near East in Roman times (another thing that we ought to thanks the Romans for, besides roads, aqueducts and public toilets) before reaching Europe by the 1st century and spreading with Europeans across the world.

              A mutation of the beast now comes black leather clad, riding a motorcycle that looks like a battenbergh cake on wheels.

              A skilled predator, totally ruthless with it's prey, but also known to be extremely generous in doling out tickes that can provide points for motorists who want to downsize from mechanically propelled vehicles to bycicles.

              It's a dirty job, but someone got to do it!

              My opinions are free to anyone who wishes to make them theirs, but please be advised that my opinions might change without warning once more true facts are ascertained


              • #8
                Re: JBW Noticeplease help

                As the bailiff is JBW and will clamp and remove even if the debt is not yours, it is imperative you conceal the motor, as they may well have it in their ANPR database, and are notorious for following vehicles and approaching when the vehicle is stopped.


                • #9
                  Re: JBW Noticeplease help

                  The other matter that cannot be ruled out, at present, is the possibility of number plate or vehicle "cloning", which may well have happened in the OP's case, given the circumstances alluded by the OP.

                  Sir Vere's advice to ask for photographic evidence from LB of Islington is good, solid advice and will show whether it is your vehicle or not.

                  JBW has a habit of jumping the gun. However, when jumping the gun, you need to avoid the flash from the muzzle or you're likely to get your backside singed. This may be a case where Waller's goons need to avoid jumping the gun or else they risk significant burns to the bum.
                  Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


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