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Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

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  • Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

    Hi, I'm Chris and my friend is having problems with bully boy bailiffs.
    I hate bullies, so I thought I would try and help him out.
    In researching, I found you guys and thought I'd better join up and introduce myself and the problem at hand.

    South Glos Council issued a PCN Parking Fine to my friend and didn't bother to tell him or leave a notice on his car.
    The first thing he know about it was months later with a letter from Bristow and Sutor (B&S) saying that he owed
    this fine and added another £228 for a call out fee.

    My friend panicked and said he would pay it as soon as he had the money.

    He gave them £40 to start and promised the rest asap as he know nothing about the fine and is a law abiding chap
    who wants no trouble.

    Of course B&S we not happy with that and sent someone round again while my friend (I'll call him John) was at work and his
    partner was out.

    The in this letter they told him he now owed another £228 for a call out and they would be coming to take his Car
    before the 31st of July 2013. They turned up unannounced on the 11th July and waited 30 minutes in the van before
    calling him on his mobile to say they were leaving. Guess what, another £228 charge for waiting.

    This is when I got involved. Two days ago another bod turned up demanding to take the car that was on the drive, blocked by the works vehicle.
    I filmed the whole episode and asked what I thought were pertinent questions:

    Who are you? The bailiff told me a false name (I didn't know it was false at the time) I didn't register that his badge was reversed and only after I watched the video did
    I realize my mistake.

    I asked for his ID number and he laughed and said he didn;t know what I was talking about (I should have asked for his Certificate)

    I asked if John was in a Contract. He replied No, eventually.
    I asked if he had broken the law. He replied No, but that's not the point.

    I told him that he was wasting his time and to send the debt back to the council as my friend was in a proper parking space and even if he had gone over the time limit, he had not affected
    the flow of trade or commerce, caused no harm to anyone, broken no law or prevented anyone from going about their business.

    I said that the fees are far more than they are supposed to be and said they should only be £28, now learning that they should only be 28% of the PCN.
    The fact they were charging £228 was robbery and he said "Do you work? You don;t expect to work for free and neither do we"

    So far the B&S bill is now over £900 for an £80 that he know nothing about.

    Forgive my rambling, but I am sure that all this is wrong and B&S Must be Stood up to.

    He has 4 children, one is only 2 months old, I wonder if this classes them as Vulnerable?

    Hopefully, I will learn more from you all before I go any further.

    Thanks for reading.


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  • #2
    Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

    Hi and welcome to Legal Beagles.

    Yep. Bristols and Hooters are at it again. The fees they are trying to claim are not in accordance with legislation and fraudulent. Did they leave a Notice of Seizure in respect of the vehicle, also known as a Form 7? If not, they have no lawful levy and cannot remove. Also, if the vehicle is used in connection with the debtor's employment, business or vocation or belongs to a third party, Motability, finance company, employer, the bailiffs cannot remove it. They can only remove goods belonging to the debtor.
    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


    • #3
      Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

      Originally posted by ihatebullies View Post
      Hi, I'm Chris and my friend is having problems with bully boy bailiffs.
      I hate bullies, so I thought I would try and help him out.
      By spouting a lot of Free Man On Land drivel?

      South Glos Council issued a PCN ... to my friend and didn't bother to tell him or leave a notice on his car.
      It may have been sent to the wrong address, or been lost in the post.

      Read this ---> link - and learn how to deal with it.

      The first thing he know about it was months later with a letter from Bristow and Sutor (B&S) saying that he owed this fine and added another £228 for a call out fee.
      They are - of course - overcharging.

      I said that the fees are far more than they are supposed to be and said they should only be £28, now learning that they should only be 28% of the PCN.
      The fact they were charging £228 was robbery and he said "Do you work? You don;t expect to work for free and neither do we"
      Their fees are laid down and limited by law.

      South Glos Council is wholly liable for the antics of the bailiffs or bailiff company it has seen fit to appoint.

      Have you posted the video on YouTube and, if you have, could you post a link to it?


      • #4
        Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

        Thanks for your replies.

        "By spouting a lot of Free Man On Land drivel?" - Thanks for pointing this out CleverClogs, I had no idea what this was, so I looked it up and I can see what you mean.
        This is the reason I came here.. "Reason"!

        Now I know not to rely on any of that freeman rubbish, and to follow the excellent link you gave. Much appreciated. I will follow that to the letter.

        Thanks Bluebottle, the car is on holiday at the moment and noone knows it's whereabouts. I see that the car is about the only thing that the Bailiffs can see you own.

        I have photocopies of letters and charges and the video is not available on YouTube, but if you want to hear me trying to be polite while raging, I'll happily post it.

        You can point out where I went wrong and I'll learn for next time
        That's what I'm here for.

        Thanks again, I really appreciate your help.


        • #5
          Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

          If no ticket was left on the car then the ticket would be invalid and they can not lawfully pursue this, therefore bestow and hooters maybe committing harassment and demanding money by false representation (though overcharging is in my book false representation anyway) - This is why most traffic wardens take photos of the car with ticket on!

          It is off course possible the ticket was removed by a third party though.
          Please note that this advice is given informally, without liability and without prejudice. Always seek the advice of an insured qualified professional. All my legal and nonlegal knowledge comes from either here (LB),my own personal research and experience and/or as the result of necessity as an Employer and Businessman.

          By using my advice in any form, you agreed to waive all rights to hold myself or any persons representing myself of any liability.

          If you PM me, make sure to include a link to your thread as I don't give out advice in private. All PMs that are sent in missuse (including but not limited to phishing, spam) of the PM application and/or PMs that are threatening or abusive will be reported to the Site Team and if necessary to the police and/or relevant Authority.


          The Governess; 6th March 2012 GRRRRRR


          • #6
            Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

            About the PCN: the way to deal with that is to file a Statutory Declaration Out Of Time and to tell the charmer from Bristols and Hooters that that's been done.

            About the grossly excessive charges: the way to deal with those is to send letter 1 from here, requesting B&S to produce a breakdown of their charges. This will provide data with which the council can subsequently be clobbered.


            • #7
              Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

              Excellent advice CC, as indeed was your first link which, if read properly, would have negated the need for your second post. All good, solid advice though, thank you!:beagle:


              • #8
                Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                Thanks for the great advice and the links.
                I've printed out the Stat Dec Out of Time, the form TE9 Witness Statement and the Free Breakdown of bailiffs Costs.
                I'll keep you informed.


                • #9
                  Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                  Just a note of caution: "He gave them £40 to start and promised the rest asap as he know nothing about the fine and is a law abiding chap
                  who wants no trouble."

                  Would the payment not scupper the OOT?, as Bonkers & Sctotes called and added the unlawful fees after this was paid, so the opportunity to challenge has gone? A Formal Complaint to the council must be made whatever highlighting where their agents Busted & Stupid have implicated the council in crimes like Fraud by Misrepresentation. FMOL drivel on a video is a good laugh as it winds the bailiff up, and as long as you know it has no standing you can get the bailiff to admit other crimes on camera on the visit that will stand up to scrutiny.

                  Either way B & S are conspiring to defraud again. Shame one of these councils that condone and back their bailiffs aren't had up with the bailiffs on conspiracy to defraud.

                  If you post the video, you can put it unlisted and put the link on this thread, then after a da yor so delete it from youtube.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                    Originally posted by bizzybob View Post
                    FMOL drivel on a video is a good laugh as it winds the bailiff up,
                    As well might citing some Saxon (?) Law about using an axe to defend one's land or property.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                      Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
                      As well might citing some Saxon (?) Law about using an axe to defend one's land or property.
                      My crossbow may fall foul of plod if I use one to assert my dominance on my land, it gets very angry.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                        Originally posted by bizzybob View Post
                        Just a note of caution: "He gave them £40 to start and promised the rest asap as he know nothing about the fine and is a law abiding chap
                        who wants no trouble."

                        Would the payment not scupper the OOT?, as Bonkers & Sctotes called and added the unlawful fees after this was paid, so the opportunity to challenge has gone? A Formal Complaint to the council must be made whatever highlighting where their agents Busted & Stupid have implicated the council in crimes like Fraud by Misrepresentation. FMOL drivel on a video is a good laugh as it winds the bailiff up, and as long as you know it has no standing you can get the bailiff to admit other crimes on camera on the visit that will stand up to scrutiny.

                        Either way B & S are conspiring to defraud again. Shame one of these councils that condone and back their bailiffs aren't had up with the bailiffs on conspiracy to defraud.

                        If you post the video, you can put it unlisted and put the link on this thread, then after a da yor so delete it from youtube.
                        The best way to deal with council telephone muppets is to explain to them, very calmly and very bluntly, the relevant laws the bailiff has broken and they, themselves, are breaking and of their 100% personal liability for their actions. You tend to hear a strange sound at the other end of the phone as they lose all control of their bowels.
                        Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                          Hello everyone,
                          my apologies for my absence.

                          We sent in the Sat Out of Time and the TE9 and so far had no reply.

                          What do we do to chase them up as my friend had another visit on thursday. The clowns sat outside his out for exactly 10 minutes with the engine running, then posted another £228 charge for their time.
                          This is getting beyond the joke. He would have rather been taken to court, explained his case and got what the judge gave him.
                          It is so frustrating. My next more may be the local news, if they are interested.

                          Your ideas and suggestions are welcome.
                          Thanks again.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                            Originally posted by ihatebullies View Post
                            The clowns sat outside his out for exactly 10 minutes with the engine running, then posted another £228 charge for their time.
                            This is getting beyond the joke.
                            It certainly is, as their purported fees are grossly excessive and (almost certainly) unlawful.

                            Has your friend sent letter #1 (from here) as I recommended earlier, to get a free breakdown and "explanation" of the fees?

                            I did not post that because my fingers needed the exercise.


                            • #15
                              Re: Hello - I'm Here to Sort out Bristow and Sutor Bailiffs

                              Indeed CC, it would be useful - in fact it's essential to get this breakdown. :beagle:


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