When I moved from my old house to my new house last July I didn't need a TV License in my old place so I had completely forgotten about it in my new one. My circumstances had changed as I did need a new one for my new property. A gentleman came around from TV Licensing and I had said to him I had completely forgotten. I started up a payment plan and I thought that was that. It turns out it wasn't and I was taken to court in December for not having a license at the time the gentleman had called. I had just started a new job doing nights so my routine consisted of bed, work, eat, bed, work eat and I had let my concentration lapse when it came to taking care of letters etc. I was found guilty in my absence, (I have only started getting my house in order recently) and fined £275. On Friday I received a letter from Marstons saying I hadn't paid the fine, which I obviously hadn't and that they were expecting payment in full for the amount of £360 by Monday 25th. I have been working all weekend so I have just sat down and tried to get my head around it now. Is it possible to pay my court fine at its original value either all in one shot, or in installments or has that ship sailed? I understand that bailiffs can be dealt with, with the right course of action but ideally I would like to end this chapter as cheaply and as quickly as possible as although I can handle myself, my partner would be less up for the fight!
I can pay the £275 tomorrow if necessary, but it would put me in a bit of a bind so knowing I could pay it say in 2 installments would be great. I know I was stupid and careless and this is turning out to be a very expensive lesson.
I can pay the £275 tomorrow if necessary, but it would put me in a bit of a bind so knowing I could pay it say in 2 installments would be great. I know I was stupid and careless and this is turning out to be a very expensive lesson.