Re: HELP PLEASE ANYONE> Received a distress notice, hand posted. Not seen the bailiff
Hi, Bluebottle, It was Bolton Police - actually went on Friday to make a complaint about him blocking my partner in our cul de sac, but nothng was wrtten down, but I can deal with that. am dong exactly what you are advising but I dont know exactly how to get hold of the area manager. was going to my local county court and was going to ask them to help me tomorrow x Can you answer me a question... He gave to the distress warrant to the police, I have a copy now, but this is just headed paper from Marstons, and marsons are saying that a NOTICE of distress carres a penalty of a clampng order as well is this correctly true. So they can clamp a carunder a notce of distress is what he is tellng me.
Hi, Bluebottle, It was Bolton Police - actually went on Friday to make a complaint about him blocking my partner in our cul de sac, but nothng was wrtten down, but I can deal with that. am dong exactly what you are advising but I dont know exactly how to get hold of the area manager. was going to my local county court and was going to ask them to help me tomorrow x Can you answer me a question... He gave to the distress warrant to the police, I have a copy now, but this is just headed paper from Marstons, and marsons are saying that a NOTICE of distress carres a penalty of a clampng order as well is this correctly true. So they can clamp a carunder a notce of distress is what he is tellng me.