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help with jacobs

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  • help with jacobs

    hi, i was wondering if anyone can help me. i have a council tax debt that has been handed to jacobs bailiffs, as i didnt know my rights and that i stupidly let me in and they did a walk in possession order. i agreed to pay £50 a week to pay this debt off, which i have been doing. i have recently been in hospital having major stomach surgery and got a friend to pay it for me when i was in hospital, which she has done cos i have receipts to prove it. i have recieved a letter from them saying that they are coming to remove goods and if i dont let them in they will use a locksmith. i have rang them to try and find out what has happened for them to need to do this, but the bloke said i should ring back tomorrow after he has looked at my file. i cant afford to pay the full amount and im a single parent who cant afford to pay the full amount or have to replace the items. im still recovering after my surgery and not staying at the house cos i cant look after my daughter and myself. i would be grateful for any advice. thank you
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  • #2
    Re: help with jacobs

    Can you list the items on the Walking Possession exactly as described on it?
    How old are your children?
    Do you receive any Benefits?
    Apart from your recent operation, is there anyone else in the household ill or disabled?
    I assume your friend has paid your account as & when they could and may have been as little as a day late in doing so, which will explain the letter from Jacobs.

    Please note he has no automatic right of entry even though he has a WPA.


    • #3
      Re: help with jacobs

      they have only listed the contents of my living room as that is the only place went in. my daughter is 10 years old but she isnt there either none is staying at the house and i currently have a housing benefit claim in but thats it.


      • #4
        Re: help with jacobs

        Ploddertom has asked you everything that needs to be asked, but canI just put your mind at rest and stress his last sentence. Saying he will bring a locksmith and force entry is a common ploy used by bailiffs. It is designed to scare you into paying. They don't care whether or not it is more than you can afford.

        Can I ask just one further question please - is the debt purely for this year's Council Tax, or do you owe for other years as well?


        • #5
          Re: help with jacobs

          the debt is for an old council tax that i thought had been paid. well the scare tactic is working.


          • #6
            Re: help with jacobs

            Originally posted by mels View Post
            they have only listed the contents of my living room - can you list everything noted down - as that is the only place went in. my daughter is 10 years old but she isnt there either none is staying at the house and i currently have a housing benefit claim in but thats it.
            The reason for asking for the contents of the levy is because Bailiffs have a habit of listing exempt or incomplete items & those of little worth. As a single parent you may potentially be classed as vulnerable and I think because of your current medical issues this should be so. Have you read http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...67-Council-Tax , you should also send off to the Bailiffs for a breakdown of their charges - use Letter 1 from http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...Useful-Letters this is initially best sent by email followed by a copy in the post and should be done today.

            You need to speak to someone at the Council and ask the following questions:
            1 - how many Liability Orders they have against you
            2 - the dates they were obtained
            3 - the addresses they were for
            4 - the period of time each covers
            5 - how much each one was for
            6 - how much is still outstanding
            7 - the dates they were passed on for enforcement
            8 - the dates & amounts of any payments


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