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RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

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  • RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:


    In July i had a letter from the RLP however they have spelled my surname wrong. I emailed to tell them this and that unless the letter was in my correct name i would not pay. I have just received the below email:

    "Thank you for your recent correspondence.We note your comment regarding our letter dated 29th August.
    You did indeed contact us by e-mail on the 9th July, to inform us that Miss X did not live at your address; X.
    We responded to your e-mail on the 12th July, requesting the completion of a ‘Traced Address Investigation Form’ and the supply of a recent council tax bill, in order that we might clarify the residency of X as separate from yourself. We also strongly advised you to report the matter to the Police, as Miss X gave your address to our client’s security personnel at the time of the incident and provided a driver’s licence to confirm her identity.
    You did not respond to this e-mail and as such, we made reference to this in our letter dated 29th August.
    We note your comment that you have not received a letter in your name.
    The name of the person involved in the incident was Miss X and as above, this was verified by the provision of her driver’s licence. If you are not Miss X, please complete the ‘Traced Address Investigation Form’ and supply a recent council tax bill, as requested in our e-mail dated 12th July. Otherwise we must issue to your address, as this was the address given to our client’s security personnel by Miss X.
    We note that your e-mail address is X@hotmail.com, which suggests an association of some kind with the name Miss X.
    If you were known as Miss X at the time of the incident but you have since changed your name, please provide us with your new name, so that we may communicate appropriately with you in the future.
    We note your comments regarding the advice you received from the Citizens Advice Bureau. Your comments suggest that you do not understand the advice.
    A ‘summons’ relates to criminal proceedings.
    We would like to inform you that our client’s claim is entirely separate from criminal proceedings and is brought wholly under civil law. Should our client wish to issue a claim against you in the County Court, you would be served with a claim form and particulars of claim; not a summons. If you wished to defend the Claim, or the quantification of it, you would be required to set your case out in a formal Defence, disclose any documents upon which you intended to rely and file a witness statement setting out your evidence of events. A Judge would then consider the evidence at a trial and hear representations from both parties. Both parties are required to consider all other options before resorting to formal court proceedings.
    Further, our client’s claim is not necessarily suitable for the small track. The appropriate allocation for a case involving a disputed allegation of dishonesty, as here, may be to the fast track, where statutory costs may be claimed, regardless of the judgment amount.
    We strongly recommend you seek advice from an individual with the requisite qualification or experience to advise on civil litigation matters, the tort of trespass and conversion and damages which arise in tort. You are likely to be entitled to free legal advice from a law firm who hold a Public Funding Franchise (like the old legal aid scheme) or a law centre or other advice agency.
    We note your comment that you have not been given an opportunity to negotiate.
    Please be advised that our letters dated 26th June, 15th August and 29th August were all sent in an effort to engage in negotiations with you.
    We note your comment regarding your financial circumstances.
    Although under civil law, our client does not need to take into account any mitigating factors, our client will consider the case in light of your representations on your debts, if you tell us in full about your financial position at this time.
    You are required to complete the Financial Circumstances Form enclosed in full and return it to us within 21 days. You must in addition provide copies of all the debts, bills and financial arrangements you seek to rely upon in asking us to consider your claim for financial hardship. Please be assured that any information you provide will be stored in strict compliance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (ROI DPA 1988 and 2003), will remain confidential and will only be used in connection with this matter.
    If you do not return the form within this time period, we will then advise our client to continue with the action against you in full.
    If you do return the form, we shall take our client’s instructions and write to you again.

    Throughout this email they continue to address me incorrectly and all i can think is that the man who copied my driving licence at the store has copied it incorrectly. I am thoroughly ashamed of my spontaneous actions and have not and will not done anything like this again and do not in any way condone my actions and the fact that i broke the law (all for a £2 umbrella!). But how do i proceed? Do i just ignore? without my proper name do they have a case?

    Thanks :-)
    M xxx
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  • #2
    Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

    Hi Molly,

    Could you send me a PM and give me details of what happened to give rise to RLP writing to you? It would also help if you could scan the actual letters you have received from RLP.

    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


    • #3
      Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

      Do not pay them anything!! They are extremely unlikely to take you to court, especially if you show them you know your rights. Treat this as an "invite" to pay money, you are not obliged to.

      The last time they took someone to court earlier this year, the 2 girls involved were Guilty. RLP still lost the case. Being taken to court, and them actually winning are a very long way from where you are right now.

      This is nothing to do with justice, or paying the retailers fair costs, this is an exercise purely to profit RLP. They claim the £150 or whatever figure their matrix plucks out of thin air is the actual costs to the shop?? So, in that case, how come they only pay something like 35% of that £150 to the retailer........

      Whatever you do, DO NOT send them an income and expenditure/financial status form. They have absolutely no legal right to that private information, only a Court can demand it.


      • #4
        Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

        Hi Molly,

        As Caledfwlch has said, RLP have no right to demand any personal information or any Income and Expenditure status form from you. They are not authorised to do so by any court or legislation. Could you please detail what RLP has claimed was the "wrongful act" you are supposed to have committed or have they done their usual and, simply, claimed their client suffered loss because of a "wrongful act" on your part? RLP know what I post because I have seen the letters they have sent to people and a reference they have made to a piece of case law I quote - R -v- Ghosh 1982 - appears in some of these letters. They also know I am a retired police officer and that I have worked in the retail trade.
        Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


        • #5
          Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

          I may be wrong but if RLP are sending out demands to someone and getting their name wrong there must be no case to answer and all this request to fill in identification forms and providing council tax bill to prove who you are is a joke would the OP not have a case for harrasment after all if your John smith aged 33 and a demand for money comes to John smith aged 50 would you be liable.
          how much longer can these comedians trade?


          • #6
            Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

            Originally posted by wales01man View Post
            I may be wrong but if RLP are sending out demands to someone and getting their name wrong there must be no case to answer and all this request to fill in identification forms and providing council tax bill to prove who you are is a joke would the OP not have a case for harrasment after all if your John smith aged 33 and a demand for money comes to John smith aged 50 would you be liable.
            how much longer can these comedians trade?
            They have absolutely no right whatsoever at all to send out demands asking for personal information. They are not a law enforcement agency, legal practice or government agency. They are a private company that is sailing very close to the wind legally and I can see someone bringing the full might of the law down to bear on them sooner or later. You only get away with the sort of behaviour RLP has engaged in for so long before it comes back on you - What goes around, comes around. The other name for it is karma.
            Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


            • #7
              Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

              I do like that they want the OP to go chasing round after Police and stuff regarding someone apparantly using her address.

              Firstly, it's not the OP's problem! :tinysmile_grin_t: and secondly, whoever the person was has not afaik actually committed an offence anyway!! BB will know, but I am pretty sure it's not a criminal offence to give false details to a private security guard. If they felt a crime was committed, they should have called the Police on the spot. We are under absolutely no obligation to provide the staff of tesco's or boots with our personal data.


              • #8
                Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

                Legally, no-one is obliged to provide a security guard with their personal details. In fact, a security guard has no more power than a monkey's backside. The same goes for a retail manager. Absolutely no power in law whatsoever. Also, they have no power or right to search your bags or person, although they will claim they have a "Common Law right", but I have never been able to establish such a right exists. The police, on the other hand, have statutory powers of search.
                Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


                • #9
                  Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

                  Thanks all this is a massive help and reassurance :-) have spoken with a friend who is a lawyer who has advised me not to pay a penny and given me some case studies and basically said that they are a disgrace who do not provide them with personal information as they do not have a leg to stand on.
                  Thanks all, and Bluebottle i will PM you with additional details as requested.

                  Thanks again xoxo


                  • #10
                    Re: RLP HELP! They have my name wrong, how do i proceed?! Please see letter below:

                    Originally posted by MollyK1 View Post
                    Thanks all this is a massive help and reassurance :-) have spoken with a friend who is a lawyer who has advised me not to pay a penny and given me some case studies and basically said that they are a disgrace who do not provide them with personal information as they do not have a leg to stand on.
                    Thanks all, and Bluebottle i will PM you with additional details as requested.

                    Thanks again xoxo
                    Your lawyer friend has confirmed exactly what I have suspected for a long time, Molly. Thank you. I look forward to receiving details of the incident by PM.
                    Life is a journey on which we all travel, sometimes together, but never alone.


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