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Another problem to do with marstons/tv license

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  • Another problem to do with marstons/tv license

    Hi everyone I would first like to say sorry as I know this has been covered many times before. Right it all started about 8 weeks ago when we received a hand delivered letter from a marstons bailiff called Paul (we were out at the time), the letter said we are required to pay £540 in full within 7 days of receipt of this letter (didn't even know what it's for at this point).So my partner called straight away to ask why and tell them we can't pay it simple! (debts in my partners name).He told her that the fine was for non payment of tv license in 2007.fair enough I hold my hands up we didn't hold a license then as we were so skint that feeding our family came before any bills, we have 3 kids.so we tried to arrange a payment plan with him, and as I lost my job a few months ago and we are on benefits we would be able to sort some kind of arrangement out but no he wanted £540 and gave us 6 weeks to pay it.My partner told him there is no way we can afford this and that was that, next day we took letter along with proof of benefits down to cab who asked us to fill out a expenditure form wich we did and left it at that, we kept going down to cab to see how things were going and they kept telling us they were dealing with it,then a day before baliff due cab phone us and say marstons aren't prepared to accept a payment plan and want the full payment by tomorrow.fine they aren't getting it because I haven't got it. So later that day we get a text from paul the bailiff not even a phone call saying Hi it's Paul the hmcs enforcement officer payment due by 12 o'clock tomorrow as agreed so on so on. I just ignored text. Next day (judgement day) another text comes at 8 am saying payment but 12 or he will turn up at my house with a van £150 locksmith as he has a warrant to force entry £100 and delivery charges to auction house £150. I kindly text him back straight away from a different phone saying he mayaswell come round now as I have no money for him and the only thing that's worth anything is my tv not my partners and I can prove its mine but the locksmith won't be needed as if we're not here my dogs will be and they protect my house and family(2 staffx pittbulls). They aren't nasty dogs just intimidating really. So anyway he didn't turn up so I tried ringing him but no answer, so I text him later on and asked him what time he was coming as I needed to get kids from school and all he replied was WE ARE BUSY...he also goes on to say he can turn up any time day of night as he has this warrant he can turn up at 2am if he wants, ( bulls**t) if he comes in my house at that time I will knock him out, (sorry officer I thought it was a robber)Still hasn't came so went down to the courts today and got a n245 form to try and suspend the warrant, but is there anything else I can do I.e ask for a means hearing ect.Sorry for the life story just need some knowlagable advice and thanks in advance for any replies.
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  • #2
    Re: Another problem to do with marstons/tv license

    Have a read of the link below, particularly the section, "What If I Cannot Pay What The Bailiff Is Demanding?" It should answer your question, but any others, ask away!



    • #3
      Re: Another problem to do with marstons/tv license

      Hi labman thanks for your swift reply have read through that on the net before posted on here,(been searching the net for a couple of days trying to find out my rights)I just don't know if to try to speak to the courts as we went down there earlier and got a n245 form and had a brief conversation with someone there and they said its down to the bailiff now, so not sure if to go again and ask for a means hearing I think it's called


      • #4
        Re: Another problem to do with marstons/tv license

        There's the Means Hearing as mentioned in the linked thread, and also the Further Steps Notice, also mentioned in the linked thread.


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