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Rossendales charges for Council tax collection

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  • Rossendales charges for Council tax collection

    Firstly apologies if there is another thread on here that answers my questions, I have not yet found one quite specific enough after reading quite a few.
    I recieved a visit from a Rossendales bailiff on Tuesday of this week (3/4/12) regarding unpaid council tax for a flat I lived in last year. I had recieved a court summons in July and phoned the council to make a payment arrangement. I carried on paying the bills fine until I moved out and apparently had not finished the arrangement off. Upon moving I made the council aware of my new address. They alledge to have sent me 2 council tax reminders to my new address regarding the old flat. I have recieved neither of these and the first I have heard about it is from the Rossendales bailiff, who gave me a letter saying I was liable for the council tax (£126) plus costs.

    Straight away I phoned the council and asked that they send me the final bill again and told them I would pay the outstanding tax to them as soon as I get it.

    I recieved the bill earlier today and have just paid it online. However I also recieved another visit from Rossendales (nobody was home) and they left a letter outlining the original debt + 1st visit fee (24.50) + 2nd visit fee (18.00). On the reverse of the page was a Walking Order Possession which I've read all about.

    I make every effort to pay my council tax as promptly as possible and had I recieved these reminders I would have sorted them out. However, money is tight and something I really begrudge doing is handing money over to a bunch of thugs who by all accounts have caused a lot of distress/extra debt to people who really could have done without it.

    So my question is, do I have to pay these charges? Are they completely legit? I know that they cannot seize goods and all that stuff to recover their own charges but I don't want to end up in court.

    Any advice on the best next step to make would be greatly appreciated.

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  • #2
    Re: Rossendales charges for Council tax collection

    Did you pay the bill before or after you received the second visit?


    • #3
      Re: Rossendales charges for Council tax collection

      After, but on the same day. The notice from Rossendales doesn't specify a time, only a date.


      • #4
        Re: Rossendales charges for Council tax collection

        If you paid after then the two charges are legitimate and should be paid to Rossendales. However, Rossendales cannot collect this money under the same Liability Order as the Council Tax, so would have to go back to court to collect the fees.

        Technically the second note should have had the date and time on it.

        I would be surprised if Rossendales did go back to court for that amount, but technically you do owe them the money.


        • #5
          Re: Rossendales charges for Council tax collection

          Thanks for the reply. Am I right in saying that a maximum of 2 visits are chargeable for council tax collections? And that now my actual debt is dealt with, that Rossendales can no longer bill me for anything to do with recouping their own charges?

          I have asked the council to inform Rossendales that I have paid but I highly doubt they will bother. I am just reluctant to deal with Rossendales in any capacity as I feel that doing so with oragnisations such as them just opens up a can of worms.

          I feel like the standard 'double charge' thing is probably a recurring theme with Rossendales' council tax collection department. Has anyone been in the situation? Did they persue their own charges via the courts?


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