Re: Bailiffs harrassment
pepsie, my defence is very weak. all i have is an agreed swap of cats, i offered to buy her cat and take mine back. i wanted my vet to see him and treat him, she refused as i wouldnt pay petrol which is only £20. she didnt want to wait for his booster vaccination to be done as she needed my cat the next day and agreed to pay this herself. she had blood tests done 4 days later which was negative. a week after she transfered him into her name so i thought she was keeping him. rspca found no issues with my cats after she called them. vets say all was fine which i believed. she states he now needs lifelong medication after having him for 3 months, my vet says there is no lifelong medication the cat is fine. i know the cat is having 2 vitamin vaccinations now and she feeds a raw diet and milk so guessing this is why his tummy is not so good. the cat never needed any vet treatment for over a year since i had him so whats she done with him. sorry to keep going over the same thing but i dont really have a good defence, ive only just started breeding and wished i hadnt bothered now. well good thing bailiffs was suppose to come this afternoon, waiting in for them just so i can ignore them but they didnt bother to turn up.
pepsie, my defence is very weak. all i have is an agreed swap of cats, i offered to buy her cat and take mine back. i wanted my vet to see him and treat him, she refused as i wouldnt pay petrol which is only £20. she didnt want to wait for his booster vaccination to be done as she needed my cat the next day and agreed to pay this herself. she had blood tests done 4 days later which was negative. a week after she transfered him into her name so i thought she was keeping him. rspca found no issues with my cats after she called them. vets say all was fine which i believed. she states he now needs lifelong medication after having him for 3 months, my vet says there is no lifelong medication the cat is fine. i know the cat is having 2 vitamin vaccinations now and she feeds a raw diet and milk so guessing this is why his tummy is not so good. the cat never needed any vet treatment for over a year since i had him so whats she done with him. sorry to keep going over the same thing but i dont really have a good defence, ive only just started breeding and wished i hadnt bothered now. well good thing bailiffs was suppose to come this afternoon, waiting in for them just so i can ignore them but they didnt bother to turn up.