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B&S Illegal Fees

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  • B&S Illegal Fees


    Just wanted to clarify these fees are illegal before filing a Form 4. This is for council tax. My statement with B&S shows a Levy Fee of £74.00, also a Redemption Fee (Head H) of £24.50 and also a Van/Abortive Removal Fee of £180. I believe (but could be wrong) that the £24.50 fee is valid but the £74 and £180 fees are illegal. B&S have confirmed via email that no levy took place and there is no signed walk in possesion agreement. Therefore I am being overcharged by £254. Can you confirm this please.

    B&S response to my query was:

    'Having reviewed the documents we can confirm that the Walking Possession Agreement has not been signed. We do not require this to be signed as it does not prevent us from re-attending your property with the intention of collecting the balance in full or for the removal of goods.

    The Walking Possession is a formal request by the debtor, asking that we delay the removal of the goods levied on by the bailiff, giving the debtor an opportunity to pay. As this has not been signed you have not been charged a Walking Possession fee.

    You have however been charged a £74.00 levy fee for the bailiff listing goods and a £24.50 redemption fee.

    The redemption fee is: 'The charge is made under schedule 5 (3 for NDR) and is payable for the release of the listed goods back to your control. It is similar to the fee payable to reclaim (or redeem) items pledged to a pawnbroker as security for a loan or the final payment of a hire purchase agreement'

    All fee’s charged are correct and in accordance with the Council Tax (Administration & Enforcement) Regulations 1992 (as amended), under the regulations you are liable for the Council Tax and all additional costs incurred by the Local Authority and ourselves. They have not been charged illegally.

    The regulations are detailed on the back of the Notice of Seizure of Goods document that was left with you on the 17/02/11.

    We are unable to provide you with a copy of the bailiff certificate, however we can confirm that the bailiff who levied the items on the 17/02/11 was Mr D Hoyal and he was certificated at Worcester County Court on the 10/06/10.'

    Their response to the £180 van/abortive removal fee is:

    The entering into of a Walking Possession agreement is not relevant to a Van/Removal Abortive Fee as you are not required to sign anything in order for us to continue action against you. The only stipulation of applying this charge is that a valid Levy on goods was carried out prior to someone attending with a view to removing them; this took place on the 17/02/11 when our bailiff met with you.

    If there is no walk in poessesion signed then there is no levy correct?

    Can anyone just confirm before I do the Form 4 that these fees are illegal.

    Thanks for your help in advance. I am getting nowhere with B&S. I am paying this by attachment of earnings and there is no way of me stopping the payments and if I just let it go their illegal fees will be automatically paid out of my wages.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: B&S Illegal Fees

    Originally posted by toffeecrisp141271 View Post

    Just wanted to clarify these fees are illegal before filing a Form 4. This is for council tax. My statement with B&S shows a Levy Fee of £74.00, also a Redemption Fee (Head H) of £24.50 and also a Van/Abortive Removal Fee of £180. I believe (but could be wrong) that the £24.50 fee is valid but the £74 and £180 fees are illegal. B&S have confirmed via email that no levy took place and there is no signed walk in possesion agreement. Therefore I am being overcharged by £254. Can you confirm this please.

    B&S response to my query was:

    'Having reviewed the documents we can confirm that the Walking Possession Agreement has not been signed. We do not require this to be signed as it does not prevent us from re-attending your property with the intention of collecting the balance in full or for the removal of goods. They are correct that an unsigned WP does not prevent them returning in an attempt to collect any balance outstanding BUT they cannot remove goods they do not a right remove(see below for clarity)

    The Walking Possession is a formal request by the debtor, asking that we delay the removal of the goods levied on by the bailiff, giving the debtor an opportunity to pay. As this has not been signed you have not been charged a Walking Possession fee.That you have not signed the WP suggests you did not make a formal request to delay removal of any goods

    You have however been charged a £74.00 levy fee for the bailiff listing goods and a £24.50 redemption fee. Did the Bailiff actually perform a levy and were the goods listed given to you on the appropriate paperwork?

    The redemption fee is: 'The charge is made under schedule 5 (3 for NDR) and is payable for the release of the listed goods back to your control. As you did not ask for the WP and therefore did not sign a WP, we go full circle to the first comment above It is similar to the fee payable to reclaim (or redeem) items pledged to a pawnbroker as security for a loan or the final payment of a hire purchase agreement'

    All fee’s charged are correct and in accordance with the Council Tax (Administration & Enforcement) Regulations 1992 (as amended), under the regulations you are liable for the Council Tax and all additional costs incurred by the Local Authority and ourselves. They have not been charged legally.How can they be legal when based on an agreement that simply does not exist?

    The regulations are detailed on the back of the Notice of Seizure of Goods document that was left with you on the 17/02/11.

    We are unable to provide you with a copy of the bailiff certificate, however we can confirm that the bailiff who levied the items on the 17/02/11 was Mr D Hoyal and he was certificated at Worcester County Court on the 10/06/10.'

    Their response to the £180 van/abortive removal fee is:

    The entering into of a Walking Possession agreement is not relevant to a Van/Removal Abortive Fee as you are not required to sign anything in order for us to continue action against you. The only stipulation of applying this charge is that a valid Levy on goods was carried out prior to someone attending with a view to removing them; this took place on the 17/02/11 when our bailiff met with you. Again there is/was no agreement with this bailiff and as such he should have removed the goods he had levied upon at the time of his visit....had he done so then of course he would be entitled to the fees minus the WP fee.

    If there is no walk in poessesion signed then there is no levy correct?

    Can anyone just confirm before I do the Form 4 that these fees are illegal.

    Thanks for your help in advance. I am getting nowhere with B&S. I am paying this by attachment of earnings and there is no way of me stopping the payments and if I just let it go their illegal fees will be automatically paid out of my wages.
    The above are of course only what my arguments would be but, I hope they give you food for thought. However I personally would not be taking the form 4 route as much more effective would be a regulation 46 complaint.

    Your Council regardless of what they try to tell you , are responsible for the actions of their agents, if you have followed the Councils complaints procedure and the end result is they side with the bailiff then you are left with an aggrieved levy (with charges) which you take to the Magistrates Court naming BOTH Council and their agents. Trust me when I tell you the Council cannot afford for this to happen as the possible results become accountable.



    • #3
      Re: B&S Illegal Fees

      Originally posted by toffeecrisp141271 View Post
      If there is no walk in poessesion signed then there is no levy correct?
      No. a bailiff can levy on your goods without a walking possession agreement.

      Originally posted by toffeecrisp141271 View Post
      Can anyone just confirm before I do the Form 4 that these fees are illegal.

      The bailiff is only paid only through the process of execution. A "abortive" fee by its own description, is evident that execution of the work the bailiff has charged you for, did not take place. See point 3: http://www.legalbeagles.info/forums/...ad.php?t=32484

      Originally posted by toffeecrisp141271 View Post
      Thanks for your help in advance. I am getting nowhere with B&S. I am paying this by attachment of earnings and there is no way of me stopping the payments and if I just let it go their illegal fees will be automatically paid out of my wages.
      Your post doesnt say whether or not, a bailiff has actually come into contact with your goods. Its not good enough to list items he has seen through a window, and in any event, it doesnt cost anything to write down a list of items. The bailiff trying to make unjust enrichment.

      I am surprised the fees are also being charged by the council - through an attachment of earnings, and not by the bailiff. A complaint can be addressed to the Council, then need to escalate that complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman. Your complaint resulution should be the refund of all bailiffs fees except the statutory visit fee of £24.50 and your reasonable costs of "discovery of information" in bringing the complaint.

      You can also reclaim the fees from the council using the small claims track.


      • #4
        Re: B&S Illegal Fees

        Thanks for the responses. The attachment of earnings is being paid to the bailiff not to the council. The bailiff never came into any contact with my possesions, he never got into the house. I have never seen any list of items, and there is as stated by myself AND the bailiff no walk in possesion signed.


        • #5
          Re: B&S Illegal Fees

          The only fee you owe is £24.50. The bailiff has charged you for your he has not done.


          • #6
            Re: B&S Illegal Fees

            Only to endorse the above - you are a liable only for a First Visit fee of £24.50. No other work has taken place, so cannot be charged for.:beagle:


            • #7
              Re: B&S Illegal Fees

              Can I just ask the best way to resolve this situation. I am getting nowhere with the bailiffs. Should I report it to the council or just file a Form 4 complaint to the court. What is the best resolution?


              • #8
                Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                Originally posted by toffeecrisp141271 View Post
                Can I just ask the best way to resolve this situation. I am getting nowhere with the bailiffs. Should I report it to the council or just file a Form 4 complaint to the court. What is the best resolution?

                It would be expected that you would take the complaint to the Council for resolve, as has already been said they are 100% liable for any actions of their appointed agents and therefore your argument is with them. They should address your complaints through the various stages and call the Bailiffs in to answer questions.

                That most Councils know as much about bailiffs as I do Astro Physics it will be undoubted they will side with the bailiff. I agree wholehearted with the suggestion you do not go ahead with a form 4 complaint and a regulation 46 complaint will have a bigger kick. After all you are aggrieved by the levy and that is what the 46 regs are all about.



                • #9
                  Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                  46.—(1) A person aggrieved by the levy of, or an attempt to levy, a distress may appeal to a magistrates' court.(2) The appeal shall be instituted by making complaint to a justice of the peace, and requesting the issue of a summons directed to the authority which levied or attempted to levy the distress to appear before the court to answer to the matter by which the person is aggrieved.(3) If the court is satisfied that a levy was irregular, it may order the goods distrained to be discharged if they are in the possession of the authority; and it may by order award compensation in respect of any goods distrained and sold of an amount equal to the amount which, in the opinion of the court, would be awarded by way of special damages in respect of the goods if proceedings were brought in trespass or otherwise in connection with the irregularity under regulation 45(7).(4) If the court is satisfied that an attempted levy was irregular, it may by order require the authority to desist from levying in the manner giving rise to the irregularity.


                  • #10
                    Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                    All the council says is you need to speak to the bailiff about the fees.

                    I don't know what the benefit of 46 would be in this case. All I want is to not pay these fees cause I cannot afford them and because it is AOE they will automatically be paid to the bailiff unless the bailiff notifies my employer of the reduction only IF they agree to withdraw the illegal fees. Could I seek damages? I mean the amount of time having to deal with this is peeing me off. I don't mind paying the council tax and the £24.50 but B&S are taking the p*ss out of people who are already hard up. Is it not better to Form 4 the bailiff AND maybe do the 46? Again nothing has been distrained upon. Thanks for all the help, I knew nothing about 46 but what would the benefit be in real terms.


                    • #11
                      Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                      What I assume has happened is something similar to this:
                      For whatever reason your Council Tax did not get paid
                      The Council took you to Court and obtained a Liability Order - have you confirmed with the Council the amount on the LO?
                      They then passed the account to B&S
                      B&S have visited - just the once? - and have made a levy on goods - do you know what goods were seized exactly as described on the Notice of Seizure?
                      I also assume a payment arrangement was made that for whatever reason was broken and B&S then added a "Van" Fee


                      • #12
                        Re: B&S Illegal Fees


                        Council tax did not get paid.
                        Liability order, I know the amount.
                        Passed to ass*oles B&S.
                        B&S visit twice could not get in.
                        No levy on goods, no notice of seizure, no walk in possesion.
                        But I have van fee £180, and levy fee £74.00 see my first post on this thread.

                        Thanks for helping.


                        • #13
                          Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                          Yes I have read what it says but it does leave a lot out and it is easier to help knowing a fuller picture.
                          Have they told you the dates they visited?
                          Have they told you the dates the fees were added?
                          Were any of the fees added on the same date?

                          It is easy to come to the conclusion that the levy was made on the first visit as you make no mention of any Visit Fees, following on from this is that they made their Van fee on a 2nd Visit. Just trying to establish the order it happened in.


                          • #14
                            Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                            OK. Statement says:




                            Opening Balance

                            Levy Fee: 17/02/11

                            Redemption Fee (Head H): 17/02/11



                            Reduction to Client Balance

                            Van/Abortive Removal Fees: 08/07/11



                            A.O.E. Payment Rec'd by BACS



                            A.O.E. Payment Rec'd by BACS




                            Current Balance

                            Hope this helps.


                            • #15
                              Re: B&S Illegal Fees

                              OK my take on that is as follows:

                              They did levy on their 1st Visit and to do this they are required to leave a Notice of Seizure detailing the goods seized and also the charges applied at that time. I assume you have no Notice of Seizure.

                              They have charged the Header H Fee - if you look closely at the Regulations this fee may be applied when the Bailiff removes the levied goods for sale, the sale is already arranged but you pay in full including all charges and fees. The sale does not then go ahead and you are then allowed to collect your goods.

                              The above fees were made in Feb 2011 but no further action was taken by them until Jul 2011 when you have made a payment. This being the same date they applied the Van Fee - I would contend they abandoned whatever levy they supposedly had, if this is the case then the Levy Fee and any/all associated charges should be removed and replaced with a 1st Visit Fee of £24-50 & a 2nd Visit Fee of £18-00, total £42-50.

                              As the response from B&S appears to suggest they will not move from this stance then you must now turn to the Council. Regardless of anything they may say the Council is responsible 100% for the actions & fees of the Bailiff. Unfortunately it is a game of letter tennis and a first letter should be sent to the Head of Revenues at the Council pointing out the failings of B&S - in particular the non-appearance of the Notice of Seizure. It may be they will write back and refuse to cooperate or get involved. That in turn means you then have to write again but this time making a Formal Complaint to the Council CEO with a copy being sent to the Leader of the Council.

                              Is there a chance they may have levied on a car outside that belongs to you? Any monies you pay over and above what you legally owe will be reclaimable.


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