I have a former lodger who has recieved a parking fine. When he hired the car he gave address as his residence. He has since left and I have no idea of hiswhereabouts but suspect that he has returned home to columbia.
I have had communications from marstons who say they have a distress warrant and can break in . They have refused to accept the iddocuments i sent them. These are my driving licence and my current award certificate for tax credits. This is because I introdued myseld to themusing my middle christian name and all the official documents use my first christian name .
How do I convince them he's no longer resident , I have house full of foreign lnguage students , he was one of them.
What Should I do next ? I could really do without a bailiff calling nd trying to levy on the sutdents, things.
I have had communications from marstons who say they have a distress warrant and can break in . They have refused to accept the iddocuments i sent them. These are my driving licence and my current award certificate for tax credits. This is because I introdued myseld to themusing my middle christian name and all the official documents use my first christian name .
How do I convince them he's no longer resident , I have house full of foreign lnguage students , he was one of them.
What Should I do next ? I could really do without a bailiff calling nd trying to levy on the sutdents, things.