Hi there,
Niddy from all-about-debt suggested I contact you with this issue as below, I've attached a copy of the notice.
3 years ago my mother died leaving her house to me and my sister. However her live in partner who was ill and claiming sick benefit lived with her and in her will she requested that he stay rent free until he died. He paid the bills etc (there was no mortgage). He died just at the start of the recession, the house was in a dodgy suburb of Newcastle so not appealing on most fronts. I put the place on the market but only after taking out a bridging loan secured on it (at the time I had no idea how bad things were to get). We had to pay council tax (50%) whilst it was empty awaiting sale as well as all the other things, utilities, insurance etc. Anway, we managed to sell the place last year at a massive discount to what we originally marketed it for but with outstanding council tax to date of £531.93. I had made an arrangement with Gateshead Council but I couldn't keep up so yesterday we had a bailiff call with a notice. What do you think ? Do I ring and negotiate a payment plan with them, if so what are they likely to expect me to pay and if I can't pay what they ask what do I do ?
Niddy from all-about-debt suggested I contact you with this issue as below, I've attached a copy of the notice.
3 years ago my mother died leaving her house to me and my sister. However her live in partner who was ill and claiming sick benefit lived with her and in her will she requested that he stay rent free until he died. He paid the bills etc (there was no mortgage). He died just at the start of the recession, the house was in a dodgy suburb of Newcastle so not appealing on most fronts. I put the place on the market but only after taking out a bridging loan secured on it (at the time I had no idea how bad things were to get). We had to pay council tax (50%) whilst it was empty awaiting sale as well as all the other things, utilities, insurance etc. Anway, we managed to sell the place last year at a massive discount to what we originally marketed it for but with outstanding council tax to date of £531.93. I had made an arrangement with Gateshead Council but I couldn't keep up so yesterday we had a bailiff call with a notice. What do you think ? Do I ring and negotiate a payment plan with them, if so what are they likely to expect me to pay and if I can't pay what they ask what do I do ?