had a visit from marstons on tuesday over a unpaid fine for tv licence,the officer that came wanted payment in full i explained i couldn't do it,i explained that i'm a single mum on benefits with a disabled child,she asked when i get my benefits i told her on saturday she asked if i would be able to pay the i said maybe she then said if i couldn't pay she would come and seize my goods,i panicked and said i would try to pay £200 on saturday and would try to borrow the rest to pay it,i feel such a fool firstly for offering to pay all of my money to her on sat,secondly for letting her in to take my details but i honestly didn't know what to do!! i've never been in this situation before,she also said she had to take my bank card details to take the payments,after she had left i realised how stupid i had been!!! i called her to say i couldn't pay what i had said and offered £50 this week and iwould be taking advice on how to pay the rest,she said basically if i didn't pay she would break into my house and take my goods if i didn't let her in!! i didn't sign anything and she left me with a notice of distress warrant but i didn't sign any paperwork. A freind has told me that i get 180 days to pay this,is this right as when i called the officer and pointed this out she said that was only true if it is a cival warrant!!
any advice offered would be very much appriciated
any advice offered would be very much appriciated