My daughter recently had been coerced by a bailiff into paying unreasonable payments over 3 months of £162.50 and two lots of £200, which were unpaid council tax of £252.50,* *£75 compliance fee and an enforcement fee of £235.* My question is : She is actually on their records as vulnerable due to a previous mental health problem and a single parent to a little 5 year old. As I understand it they were employed by the council and were quite heavy handed in their dealings with her even texting her on days of payment and getting into financial difficulties due to the amount of the payments and the short period to pay. I understand her first port of call has to be to the council who employ the bailiffs/enforcement agents. Would she in any way be able to gain a refund of the enforcement fee as they didn't follow BS procedure at the time and if they are not responsive to that go to the ombudsman regarding the matter?
Any advice and how to phrase a letter of complaint is appreciated.
Any advice and how to phrase a letter of complaint is appreciated.