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I want to resign, but still attend my discplinary hearing?

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  • I want to resign, but still attend my discplinary hearing?

    Short Story: I was about to hand in my letter of resignation, however I was given a letter of investigation explaining that I was being investigated for an incident which I know I am innocent and have sufficent evidence supporting my case. I want to know if I hand in my letter of resignation, can I still continue with the disciplinary hearing as I do not want to seen as guilty for this false accusation?

    Long Story: I was promoted 7 months ago into a new management role, which did not previously exist. It has been a chaotic process and I have been left to suffer due to the unacheivable expectations and lack of clear guidance. I have minutes from reviews for the duration of my time in the role detailing my concerns for the role at an early stage and explaining that I was not satisfied with the planning, support and development of the role.
    5 weeks ago: I also called a formal meeting with my manager and head of department to discuss my concerns and what improvements I need to see from them for me to continue in the role. At which I provided logged incidents, that were used to confront my head of department about how she would undermine and humiliate me infront of my staff.
    Last week: I had spoken to my manager explaining that I was not happy in my current role due to a number of factors which have not improved and asked to be concidered for interviews when a new role become available within the department, even if it results in me stepping down from management. In the meantime I would continue to provide 100% commitment to my current role.

    Yesterday my manager asked me to follow them into our meeting room, which she asked me questions and logged my answers. I asked for the reason of this rushed formal meeting, however I was refused an answer. I then asked for a copy of the minutes, which I was denied, but later asked to sign to confirm the answers where truthfully logged (Which I did). I then was given a letter of investigation explaining vaguely that I was being investigating, which could result in a discplinary hearing. Is it breaking policy to interview/question me without first informing me that I am under investigation?

    I know I did not do what is being investigated and have evidence ready to provide which supports my claim. I suspect that this is a tactic to try and push me out of the business due to my previous discussions with my management. I am pretty furious at the situation and feel cheated that my 2+ years of service and loyalty has meant nothing. If I hand in my notice, can I request that the disciplinary hearing continue so I can I fight my case and leave the business with a clean conscience and so that my colleague do not suspect me as being guilty.

    Any advice is welcome. Thank you in advance.
    Tags: None

  • #2
    Re: I want to resign, but still attend my discplinary hearing?

    Hi welcome to the beagles.

    Tagging [MENTION=51026]Ula[/MENTION] [MENTION=26290]mariefab[/MENTION] to help you more

    PLEASE NOTE: I work irregular hours including nights and sleep in shifts. If I have not responded in 48 hours, please ask an admin to Messenger me!

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    • #3
      Re: I want to resign, but still attend my discplinary hearing?

      Firstly does your company have a disciplinary policy in which case is the conducting of investigations covered and in which case is there reference to be notified of an investigation and that you will be asked to attend a meeting. If so they are in contravention of their own policy.

      If this situation is not covered in the policy then good practice would be to inform you are under an investigation formally in writing, even if you are not suspended whilst they conduct the investigation, and if required you may be ask to attend a meeting as part of the investigation.

      If you hand in your resignation then the company may or may not decide to continue with the investigation. At this stage it is only an investigation and does not automatically mean they will instigate disciplinary action.

      In answer to your question and to play out the scenario if they did continue with the investigation and did decide to take disciplinary action despite you handing in your notice then you would be required to go through the process and thereby hopefully defending your position. However do you feel confident that this would be the case?
      If you would like a one-to-one expert consultation with me on your employment issue than I can be contacted by emailing admin@legalbeaglesgroup.com

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      I do my best to provide good practical advice, however I do so without liability.
      If you have any doubts then do please seek professional legal advice.

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